
Monday 24 February 2020


Julian Assange's dad and Yanis Varoufakis visited Julian Assange on the New Moon in Pisces yesterday and he speaks of how Julian Assange is being tortured in Belmarsh Prison.

I like Yanis but I don't agree with him on his view of the importance of the EU and a federal Europe and I don't agree what he said in this interview about President Trump either.

It isn't President Trump that put Julian Assange into Belmarsh Prison it was a former Muslim Home Secretary that was replaced and he also resigned from the cabinet.  As we know there has been uproar in the last week due to the new Home Secretary having disagreements with the people that work in her department.

From what I have read in the media the new HS is having difficulties getting things done due to the civil servants not pulling their weight. Some reports have said that she's told some of her staff that they are "useless". Perhaps it is time that the HS visited Julian Assange herself to talk to him as it is appropriate to do.

Did you know that all magistrates have to visit the places that they are going to send people too so that they understand the severity of those locations? It is all part of their training. I wonder how many prisons the HS had visited herself prior to being given the post of HS.

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