
Wednesday 19 February 2020


I received this message after a neighbour had brought some news, in recent days I sensed that things weren't going the way he hoped due to the cobweb dreams received this week. Although he is coping incredibly, overcoming one obstacle at a time, one step at a time. Dogs and horses like to jump over obstacles, they enjoy jumping over hurdles, they like to win any competition. They thrive on competitive sports.

The strength of will of the young Libra who was born in the year of the horse is miraculous, the more he was challenged by life, the stronger he has become. His healing has been impressive during the last two years and we did pray for him.

When I first met him he was like a wild young stallion that refused to be harnessed in self-discipline. Yet, balance is essential in the life of the Libra for harmony to reign. He now listens and responds instead of reacting 99% of the time and that is a great achievement.

Earlier in the year George Michael did say that he was helping him to be victorious.

After our discussion I sat down to eat my dinner of wild venison, root vegetables cooked in garlic, fresh and dry basil with red onion and caratino oil in the oven. Parsnips, swede and carrots. After dinner I was given the divine message "Astounding".

It was then clear that it was another Aquarians birthday on board, on-line, so a celebration for another person that has vivid prophetic dreams. Many of us are receiving astounding dreams at this time.

In Greek the word for "Astound" is "Ekthambos" and it also translated as amazing.

I am now being asked to look at the word in Latin. Astounding application, astounding fortitude.

The word only appears once in the bible and it is in the NT in Acts 3:11.

"When all of the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognised him as the man that used to sit and beg at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. While the man held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished, and came running to them in the place called Solomon's Colonnade" Acts 3:10-11.

It appears that scholars can't agree on where the temple gate called Beautiful was, some say it was at the entrance to the woman's court in the East.

Has Jesus said by their fruit you shall know them. I always have fruit to share with my young neighbour and healing words to convey from this heart of love. Michael is doing great and my flowers were truly deserved.

This scholar thinks the name translated as beautiful actually means ripeness rather than beauty.

Although the root of the word in Greek relates to hour e.g the right time, coming to the right place at the right time. People are often brought to my door when help is essential for a person to make a breakthrough. Wisdom more precious than rubies, the woman of noble character, a mission of compassion and mercy.

Happy Is The Man

I asked so what is in store for yours truly today, I was shown travelling amongst the stars in the future and a move is coming but not yet, a move of location is far more likely to happen at the end of the growing season in 2020. It is ordained that the sword of truth shall be known. Travelling is coming prior to the move that is coming.

That makes a lot of sense as I do have it in my mind to travel to Israel for the third time in 2020 and it would be great to visit the Lemongrass farmer the next time that I go to Israel. The Lemongrass farmer is about an hour and half north of Tel Aviv and I really like northern Israel the best. It is like a garden of eden.

When I was waking up this morning, a clear message was received, "Love is coming to you".

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