
Wednesday 19 February 2020


Cream leather saddle dream, leather given in the third anniversary of a new cycle of time in a three year for wisdom more precious than rubies. 

After that the message of the "Meadow" was received and that took us to the meadow of dancing and the meadow of water due to the biblical mention of the meadows. Abel Mayim. We've had a months rain in 48 hours in the UK and the most rain for 200 years. 

No surprise then that my birthday in 2020 was spent swimming near to a location where I went dancing in 2019 and I do intend to return to that location again in 2020. 

Great then that horses can dance and can also move through water. Whatever you do this year make sure that it is productive, it is time to get on with business so that our people and country can prosper. 

We can swim and we can dance tribe of Ephraim. For those born in the year of the horse, a gentle trot, a little canter, no galloping this year. 

Remember that dogs have more compassion than the rich, the dog licked it! There is a lot of high profile divorces in the monarchy this year aren't there, it is interesting watching it all unfold before our very eyes, watchtower for the flock, daughter Zion. 

For as the LORD said, "This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased". That day I had made an arrangement to visit an elderly Christian couple and take food to them to enjoy together. So what food and nutrients shall you share with our people this year? 

There is an interesting verse relating to those that are "obstinate" and "stubborn" in Hosea and it says, "How will Yahweh feed them as a lamb in a meadow?" Hosea 4:16 Interesting that we had lamb to eat on my birthday. We can only help a person with their nutrition if they are willing to try different foods. As it is usually the case that the body holds on to emotional memories connected to food. 

So by trying new foods tailored to your taste buds, it can assist your health to improve. Alas, if you are so "obstinate" and "stubborn" that you refuse the help offered to you, then you only have yourself to look too when and if your health doesn't go into the direction that you would like it to do. 

It was in 2007 when I was having discussions with a nurse and when questioned she shared that the highest increase in cancer was in "intestinal and stomach cancer".  That means that people are not eating and drinking appropriately for their health. Neither are people making sure that their bodies are getting the most important nutrients for their bodies to work harmoniously. So for instance most women are not getting enough iron. 

NHS England is 20 years behind other western countries and it takes 17 years for new scientific discoveries to be included into clinical practice. So as far as nutrition is concerned, the NHS is about 37 years behind what is appropriate. For instance, children in foster care are still being given cereals for breakfast when they should be given proteins. High protein, low carb. 

Nearly 20 years ago I was sharing that Great Ormand Street Children's Hospital had completed a two year study of children with epileptic fits. After being put on a high protein, low carb diet, the children's fits stopped completely. That is how powerful the correct nutrition is. 

Decades of sharing with people to look after themselves and their health. A lot of people think they're eating healthy then when I look at their menu's and what they're eating, they definitely are not eating what can improve their health and conditions. 

Then when you try to get them to change to include more healthy food they then reply, "I don't like that", or "My husband won't eat that". So not everyone will continue on the positive health journey if they're not willing to align with what is most suitable for the phase of life that they are in. 

Every person is an individual and their individual requirements have to be looked at. It is not a situation whereby it is one solution for all due to the amount of different variables. 

Has we say in English Equine terminology, "it is different horses for different courses". 

Excellent news from Queen Elizabeth II today, it is definitely NO to Meghan and Harry, you shall not be enabled to brand "Sussex Royal". Meghan and Harry will have to change everything that they planned to do with the name, no you shall not use it for business purposes. It looks like Elizabeth is getting rid of the cobwebs and its spider.

Elizabeth likes her guns and going shooting, she likes country pursuits, she likes riding her horses and going to the races.

Elizabeth doesn't like "obstinate" and "stubborn" adults that act like children and nor do I. Although I think it is all a new adventure for Harry and a novelty that could wear off very quickly once he gets homesick for the UK.

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