
Thursday 23 January 2020

YEAR of the RAT 2020

On the 25th of January, 2020, it will be the festival and the "Year of the Metal Rat" commences.

2020, the "Year of the Metal Rat" brings with it a new level of perspective, quick creative energy and it is quick moving. Power structures are being reorientated, plans made in the last two years being put into action.

Generally we can anticipate that personal spending will be far more frugal, far less extravagant, more saving, less consumerism and less waste. As my grandmother Sophia used to say, "waste not, want not", she was a flapper girl in the 1920s and this year has a double 20, in 2020.

People are returning to their proper cultural traditions, talents and historic skills, a new way of living in our individual countries and a year of discernment. So a great year for patriots and people that respect and honour tradition not a great year for Harry and Meghan that don't.

Even more of the Hollywood celebrities are standing up in defence of Donald John Trump now in honour of the law of their country.

A lot less mental activity, stimulation and analysis, quality issues are identified and quality solutions are offered. The quality of what you are creating and bringing into your life, and that links into what I had written previously about this year being the start of the "Generator Decade", are you generating quality in your life and the lives of your families? Are you generating respect for quality?

I think that also applies to homes, relationships and friendships too. People are being drawn towards the tradition of longevity for their future and are taking action on what that quality and it's attributes will be.

Attributes of quality instead of gadgets for ease. For instance people will be more willing to put in a lot more effort to enjoy a quality and prominent relationship in their lives rather than a relationship that is just easy to be in it. People will be more willing to improve their homes to make them more satisfactory for the longer term.

The universe is supporting people who strive for quality in everything that they do and live.  Of course, the quality of your life can also include the amount of effort a person puts into their own longevity and length of days.

New beginnings are indicated after March and the "Rat" year is definitely a health year and a time to look at any deficiencies that you might have. As we know "rats" carry "disease", so it is certainly a year to ensure that your immune system is in peek condition and not open to "infection". Because this year people can be physically more vulnerable to infection and viruses.

Hence it is not a year to travel to third world countries or cultures that are different to your own e.g. countries or into environments where your immune system can be compromised. Really be concerning about the environments in which you put your bodies into.

It is a year when self-responsibility is prominent health wise and some people are far more prepared than others due to the effort that they've put in during the last two years to improve their health situation and conditions.

So keep yourselves safe health wise in 2020, no risk taking with your own health, make your health your priority. For those of you that have trained in Reiki healing, or other energy therapies you might like to consider giving Reiki to what you eat and drink too. You can't be too cautious with your own health, foresight is better than hindsight and it's a great year for those of you that are body intuitive.

Forewarned is forearmed!

I think the discerning that appreciate quality will spend less time on the internet in 2020 and what they do view will be slimmed down to a far healthier level. So we are likely to see more bans on children being in Wifi environments, more on the impact of EMF frequencies and 5g.

My dream yesterday morning also indicated a timeline to "Buckle Up", so make sure that you are safely fastened in your life this year.  The strap and buckles were on a pair of over the knee boots,  the straps were around the knees of the boots and that gives strength to the legs. The buckles were a golden colour in a metal.

This video is a great summary of the year ahead although I have shared some of its highlights above, the video is 27 mins and the guy presenting it has a gentle pleasing voice. He sums up the year as a "Navigational Energy".

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