
Sunday 26 January 2020

Venus in Aries 7th Feb-March 4th 2020

As we know Chiron is in Aries until 2027, and on the 7th of February, Venus moves into Aries too.

The 7th of February is the "Day of Utopia" and Aries enjoy the chase. Then on the 8/9th of February we have a full moon in Leo and the 9th of February is the "Day of Vibrancy" in numerics. Full moons usually bring things to a climax, a conclusion, or completion. 

I have the sign of Leo in my 8th house for this full moon and as far as I am concerned that completes a cycle of shinning a light onto others for decades. The manifestation in networking, shinning the light onto the work and or achievements of others.

Plus putting others before myself and smiling while doing it. My parents used to call this giver "smiler", their nickname for me, my son was born an Aquarian smiler too. My parents used to say, "when you smile, the whole world smiles with you". 

You may have noticed by now that when people smile you can usually see if they are genuine or not, so look carefully at the photo's that you see in the media as they can tell you a lot about a person. A true smile comes from the heart and it brings the light of love with it that can beam from the eyes. 

Venus in Aries is certainly passionate, courageous and creative. My dad was an Aries and he was stunningly romantic, spontaneous, although he would also plan ahead of time for special occasions. 

The veteran would have it all worked out what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. He was always singing romantic songs. He wrote beautiful messages in his cards to my mother, he kept their romance alive with his variety of creative ideas, he really put a lot of effort into making his marriage sparkle with the light of love. He dedicated time and effort, he was a devoted husband.

He loved being on stage, loved to entertain and make people and children laugh, the life and soul of every party. Valentines Day for him was a very special time especially as it came the day after his daughter was born, a special time indeed. Having lived with an Aries dad, I do know that they can be moody if they don't get their own way, Aries men particularly, tend to sulk. 

You just have to smile if and when anyone is sulking. Leave them to it and get on with your own life and living it. Always remember you can't please all of the people, all of the time. That's how my Pisces mum responded to it when she dug her heals in.

I didn't pay much attention to what Venus was doing until last year, so it's been interesting looking at the impact of it's energies more closely and how it evolves and what manifests during the transits as we move through the year. During my life I didn't really have time to study the planets, so when I write about it, it is usually based upon the insights from my own experience of the different energies. 

On the 3rd of February Mercury moves into gentle, sensitive, intuitive, watery Pisces until the 4th of March, so we can anticipate that communications will change somewhat. They are likely to become softer and flowing more harmoniously like the fish. Although Pisces can be very emotional, so you can anticipate some emotional responses from people that are swimming against the wave that is upon humanity. 

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