
Sunday 26 January 2020


Last night when I got home from having dinner, I picked a fortune cookie for Chinese New Year and it said, "You will step on the soil of many countries". My young Libra neighbour said, 'You've already stepped on the soil of many countries", big smiles.

Then just now Spirit showed me the "travelling sun".

Spirit always have a divine plan for yours truly, so it will be interesting to see how it manifests for wisdom more precious than rubies this year. It won't be long now before my life moves on into a new phase and a new life. Another couple of weeks and it will be my birthday, new life begins and starts with the date of my birthday; the energies are shifting in time with each other.

This is a great quote shared by Cafe Astrology, it's from Carl Jung. In a letter to Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung wrote "My studies in astrology are fascinating, I've come to the firm conclusion, that at the moment of birth an individual takes on the characteristic state of the Universe for that moment in time".

I do love travelling to hotter climates and getting the sunshine to my body, I certainly deserve it, after all the hard work I've done in my life. My mum used to spend every winter in the sunshine, she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Funny, after I posted this British comedian Alistair Williams was live streaming from Antiqua, he looks far healthier now, thank goodness he took a holiday.

Patrick Arundell says I have to make sure that whatever I do is a good investment, so having to be discerning financially also aligns with my birth chart for now. The energies aligned.

My view is that I have to do whatever prospers my physical health, that is a great investment in the self. In the year 2000, after I returned from a year in Australia, Mother Mary was very succinct when she gave me a bouquet of flowers, Mary said that I had to look after my health or I wouldn't complete my mission. She loves flowers, and she loves giving yours truly flowers.

When I prosper health wise, everyone else in my life does, as they always learn something from yours truly. Constantly on the move, change is the only constant in the cosmos, and Aquarians thrive on changes and arising to the challenges that some changes can bring.

Hoping Italy will make a major breakthrough today in their local elections, our British patriots have great hopes for Italy taking their country back from the EU. I was in Italy when they changed over to the Euro, I was in the Canaries when they changed over to the Euro, prices soared overnight.

I'm so glad that Maggie made sure that we held onto our sterling currency, at least we have some British stability. Have you noticed that when you travel abroad, Europeans always like our currency?

In Greece they used to ask for any pound coins I might have. I think they were saving them up, although those coins are quite heavy for their size. Big smiles.

As Jesus said, "One side is all knowing, the other side is purity personified", he likes holding yours truly in his arms. We danced and danced together, Lotus Feet the enlightened nature of my soul.

See that ball that Aquarius was given?  On the 13th of February, I move into a three year for wisdom. 

Different sun sign Aquarians will have different energy vibrating in their lives due to the different cycles that is dependent on their ages. So for instance last year it was a two year for yours truly and a two year is all about creating harmony in relationships, friendships, lovers, and partnerships whether in your work, with neighbours or love life. 

In my life it was about the spiritual marriage on a different plane of existence and that is usually a connection with past lives shared, an important reason for being, divine intervention in our lives. 

Interesting I picked out a couple of fortune cookies for two people this evening and they both had the same one, "ENJOY LIFE NOW", indeed, do it now, while you still have the chance to enjoy.

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