
Tuesday 21 January 2020


21st January, 2020

I tried a baby carrier a few times with my Aquarian son. This discerning mother decided that the baby carrier wasn't healthy for my newly born son's body or mine. It is far better and more healthy for a babies spine to lay flat on their backs in a pram or cradle. It is far better and healthier for mother's backs not to carry such a heavy baby on their front too.

On Twitter it has been posted, "Please someone show Meghan how a baby carrier is used correctly before poor little Archie drops out".

Many have noticed that Meghan isn't maternal due to her choosing to spend so much time away from her son in the first months of his life. Of course, Archie comes in useful for a photo op on the day that Harry arrives back in Canada. The actress Meghan is so predictable, Meghan thinks she's a "game changer", when in fact, it was "Game over", when President Donald Trump was elected in 2016.

While Meghan smiles for the paparazzi, it is now claimed that she is intended to sue. While walking her dogs it has been pointed out that her dogs don't look at all happy, perhaps the dogs know it is a photo op too. Or Meghan could have the dogs on a vegetarian grain-free dog food that makes dogs ill. I've worked with enough dogs to know that Meghan's dogs are clearly not happy dogs, just look at the dogs faces.

People are finding that their Instagram and FB listings are being tampered with. I don't have Instagram or FB, although you might like to check your account.

Canadians are not best pleased about their new immigrants from England. Immigrants that didn't make a great start in their new country.

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