
Tuesday 21 January 2020


21st January, 2020.


"For this is how the promise was stated. At the appointed time I will return and Sarah will have a son" Romans 9:9. How amazing is it that my dad was Sarah's youngest son, the Son of Joseph, born an Aries in London. 

Son of Joseph 


Sarah was a tiny little woman, and she gave birth to lots of sons and daughters, a large family they had in those days, many mouths to feed. Although when the sons started work on each weekly pay day, every Friday, they would visit their mother and hand over some of their cash to her. 

The sons always made sure that their mum had plenty. Even when the sons had themselves and their own families to feed, they would still visit their mother to give her money. 

One of my few memories of her; in her tiny kitchen and she was always wearing an apron. As a child I remember her calling me "Push", Sarah would say "How are you push?". The word "Push" is cockney slang, "Push and Shove", is cockney slang for love. 

Sarah was married to Joseph and they lived in the area of London where the Chuts lived. Joseph was the only son that was brought up a Jew. The story of our ancestors is that Joseph's mother only brought up her eldest son that way as she had married for love and outside of the Jewish orthodoxy.  

As such Catherine was rejected by her orthodox Jewish Arbede family, her dad was a cigar maker and he had a kiosk in Shaftesbury Avenue in London. Some of the other family members were also street vendors as was Joseph and he sold newspapers. An elderly aunt shared that the mother of Joseph, Catherine was a seamstress. 

The name Sarah was passed on in the family and one of cousins called her daughter Sarah. 

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