
Friday 24 January 2020


New Moon in Aquarius and today in my 2nd house, a neighbour came to visit. She get's concerned if I don't go out. So she pops in to see if I am OK. It's lovely that she cares fully for yours truly. That is how community is meant to be, caring fully for each other. That is what Jesus asked us to do as written in scripture, take care of those that live nearby. Jesus built a spiritual community upon his foundation of love beyond measure. 

Summer Springs in the Summer Place of the Heart. 

This is a lovely song for today's new moon in Aquarius, my Aries dad used to sing this song and Chiron is in Aries until 2027. When people are frail you have to fatten them up, so this evening I cooked a no-bake cheesecake, and a Tiramisu for an elderly English gentleman in his 80s.

Tomorrow evening we are also going to have some lemon chicken for starters and home made moussaka with salad to follow with his wife. We also have fresh fruit salad and cheese and biscuits.

The most recent dream included the boots and buckles and I view that as the swashbucklers as buckles in spiritual symbology are symbolic of protection, self-defence, strength and power. 

The news today is that the American teachers are going after Project Veritas to obtain a restraining order to stop them publishing undercover work on what is happening in teaching in America. Project Veritas have many whistleblowers that work with them and film makers along with American lawyers. 

Project Veritas, are implementing their own legal action against the American teachers in self-defence and for protection of the American people. James O'Keefe and his team in strength and power. All Americans should see the work of Project Veritas and support it. As Jesus said, the truth will set you free. 

James O'Keefe and his team have also recently shared their expose of the Bernie Sanders camp and one of the Bernie Sanders supporters was arrested prior to the film being uploaded onto youtube. 

Would my Aries dad have supported Project Veritas, indeed he would. My dad was involved in exposing "corruption" wherever he found it in trade unions and Project Veritas have been exposing "corruption" for years. 

What else is happening in food we have "Beefgate: War On Meat and Food Science Censorship Exposed". 

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