
Thursday 2 January 2020

Gerard Batten Resigned

Gerard Batten has resigned from UKIP, after being suspended by the NEC chairman Ben Walker. Ben Walker was one of the contestants in the 2019 leadership election when Richard Braine won with the most votes. Richard Braine won on the platform that Gerard Batten would become his deputy.

Hence a previous leadership contender suspended the man that he was opposing in the election. How can that possibly be right? Where is the honour and integrity in that? My view is that the Chairman should not be selected from leadership contenders. Plus only a duly elected leader should be allowed to choose a Chairman.

Lord Pearson resigned last year due to the NEC hijacking UKIP, now Gerard Batten has resigned too on the 31st of December, 2019. This article explains the situation and his reasons.

I didn't renew my membership in 2019 after what the NEC did to Richard Braine following what they did to Gerard and Liz. I've checked Gerard's twitter account and he has removed UKIP from his twitter heading. So UKIP will no longer gain any members from his tweets and Gerard has many more followers than UKIP have members.

Will the UKIP branch membership come up with £500 per branch to ensure an EGM in Birmingham to sweep the NEC away? We will have to wait and see what they choose to do now that Gerard has gone. The membership is also 50% less than it was when Gerard saved UKIP previously. I think that if they don't go for an EGM it will be the end of UKIP.

The Gerard Batten Londoner, the Aries like my dad, a great man.

Interesting that in the dream yesterday I was on a train with George Michael and we were going to Birmingham for a show.

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