
Monday 6 January 2020

Cazimi Sitting On the Lap

This weeks highlights from Cameron made me smile has he mentions the Cazimi and sitting on the lap of the king. This link explains what a Cazimi is in astrological terminology, although Cameron does explain it in his video.

So why did I smile when I heard him talk about sitting on the lap of the king. In the recent dream of George Michael, he asked me to sit on his lap, I did sit down, not on his lap though.

Interesting that George was born in the sign of Cancer the Crab and we have a full moon lunar eclipse in his sign on the 10th of January, 2020. I've called the lunar eclipse the eclipse of "The Finder" due to the gematria of the series of eclipses that it comes from.

Venus rules Libra and it is still in Aquarius until the 13th of January, when Venus then moves into Pisces the fish. Cancer the Crab and Pisces are both very emotional water sun signs, their emotions can definitely impact upon their health detrimentally, plus Pisces can drink like a fish. The thing is what do you choose to drink? Do you drink what is healthy for you or not?

Do you take what you drink seriously, knowing the impact that it can have on your body for better or for worse? It is up to you to know the difference, remember this; George had a "Fatty Liver" when he passed over suddenly in addition to a heart condition. How about what you eat do you take your heart seriously? Did you find the heart of your soul and the key to it, or did you throw the key away?

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