
Friday 13 December 2019


Australia views the stomping win for Boris Johnson and the Labour parties crash into the wall of democracy and the working class. The Labour party did not take into account the sheer numbers of voters that stand against more immigration, e.g. 30M voters, that is a huge voting block.

The labour party could never be the party of the majority that stand against the cultural genocide that has already begun. The working class have gone beyond endurance and I was shown on the day of the election that young people would be shocked by this election, and that their elders had voted for jobs that the Labour party never brought to them.

The last thing any politician should've done is stand against our democracy and BREXIT, because by doing so, they were standing against our people and our hearts.

The Gemini Boris Johnson won on the Gemini full moon and patriots in other countries are saying that it has given them hope. Even I am surprised at the huge swing that has been achieved, it's a huge achievement to get a BREXIT government.

It shows you how important our sovereignty and nationhood is to the majority of our people in the UK. There are issues with the Tories but our people think by holding their feet at the fire they will be pressured into doing what is right for our people and country.

Former leader of UKIP, Gerard Batten tweeted this: "Congratulations to Boris, a remarkable victory. He says he's now going to get Brexit done, not with the current withdrawal agreement he won't. He needs to tear it up and take Britain out of the EU on our terms and not theirs. He has the mandate, and means to do it, no delay".

It's a new day for the UK, an historic victory. In September 2016, the LORD spoke of a "Bitter End", and it is certainly that for the lefties. On Twitter last night some were tweeting about leaving the country due to the massive Tory win. Christians have fought hard to regain our sovereignty and the right hand is length of days in the bible.

What the lefties and liberals have to comprehend is that when our people are in any danger, the Son of God sends his people to the other side to ensure their safety. The safety of our people and their future security is a priority for the longevity of our nation.

The working class require job security, and health security, they have to know they are listened too also. We have the means, we have the purpose, now it has to be put into action to raise our people up. No more giving our country, jobs, homes and money away to economic immigrants. Our people must come first.

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