
Saturday 14 December 2019


Sargon is on the Remainer Twitter Meltdown and enjoying it.

The globalist Obama supporters are having a massive meltdown. They thought by deplatforming our patriots and activists that they could impact upon our elections. They thought that social media would win it for them by calling our people all the names under the sun. Not so, we won!

Never underestimate the power of the people and their patriot hearts for our historic culture.

We won the referendum in 2016, we won again in 2017, and again in 2019. At the start of 2019 I did say it was the year of the hearts. Boris also won on a Gemini full moon, and he's a Gemini.

In this video Sargon reviews the tweets, 13 minutes of the twitter meltdown. Boris called them "Leftie tossers" when remainers said that he wasn't their PM.

They really are having an American style meltdown, it is most un-British of them.

Professor Gad Saad from Canada gives his feedback on the meltdown.

And a brilliant summary of exactly what has happened in the 2019 election, written by journalist, author, Douglas Murray.

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