
Saturday 14 December 2019

Psalm 128 Song of Ascents

Psalm 128 speaks of eating the fruit of your labour; and blessings and prosperity will be yours. The wife is like a fruitful vine within his house and the children will be like olive shoots around the table.

May the LORD bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. May you live to see your children's children - peace be on Israel.


Son of Joseph 

In his younger years my parents went fruit picking together with our Jewish grandfather, Joseph and his wife Sarah. They were blessed and were prosperous, they worked hard during their lives, a great work ethic that they passed on to their children in the family. In those days many poor families from London would go to the Kent farms, it was part work and part holidays for the families with the children learning about nature.

He always loved his holidays and would go abroad two to three times a year, the rest of the time, he would go to his beloved Kent as it was his place of rest that he had known since a child. Holidays in his life were for recharging his batteries he knew that was essential to living a healthy life. The sheer importance of having a rest from working, and regenerating our bodies in the sunshine of life. Even in the autumn and wintertime he would make sure that he found time to just relax and sit in the sun.

One of his sayings was "The sun shines on the righteous" and the day of his passing, the sun shone through the bedroom window and the church bells rang out for all to hear.

Mum and dad attending a family wedding in Victoria, London. 

His daughter was born with his olive skin, and dad did live to see the prosperity of his daughter all the days of his life. In fact, after he passed over it was then that I was compelled to start my first full-time marketing business and I felt he was pushing me into it, you can do it!

Indeed all it required was the wisdom and insights gained from my career experience and the courage to say, "Yes". It was quickly fruitful, it was the right timing for yours truly.


He saw my ascent and how I moved from a two bed flat in London, to a three bed house that was enlarged to make four beds.  He saw the various part-time businesses, and the flourishing including in antiques. He also visited the six bed house that came after that and he would wonder at how I could do it on my own with my baby boy.

It was sheer determination, he loved to see how I was dressed in my white suit while all around me was a building site with the house being renovated from top to bottom. He said to my mum, "How does she do it, she walks out looking like a band box while there is plaster dust everywhere".


He lived long enough to see daughter Jerusalem give birth to a son and loved to hold the child in his arms. I have lovely photographs of dad with my son speaking to him, he was blessed by daughter Zion during his life. Keeping the happy memories that we shared, as dad said after he passed over, "Forget me not" and this month is a special month in our lives.

He loved the candles that mum would put on the dining table and this month on the 22nd is Chanukah, the festival of lights begins for the Jewish people.

It was after both parents passed over that I was given the first mission to Israel, exactly as the bible prophecy of Ezekiel had foretold.

I'm being told has I write this; "it is a story of a great man untold".  

The veteran didn't tell us everything that he did, or where, although growing up with him, I knew that he had our country and our people in his heart, a true English patriot. His deeds were beyond measure. He took an oath to serve our country and he did so in a magnanimous way with the power of love beyond measure. 

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