
Tuesday 10 December 2019


This paint was spread last night for an Englishman that is suffering. For his healing, anything is possible when Reiki healing comes into your life, miracles are possible with pure intentions. Your intentions have to be pure for a successful healing and integrity of the being is essential. Open minds and open hearts for new beginnings. 

2019 began for him being in a seven year of his life cycle, a year of learning and teaching, his age changed on the 21st of October, 2019. He turned into a new year of his life cycle. Martin is now in an eight year of Spiritual transformation so it is a great year of opportunity to succeed with the Holy Sprit navigating the spiritual journey. 

His destiny numeric is also 7, and his future will bring more opportunities to teach what he has learned. Science and an interest in spiritual subjects are indicated with a person that has 7 written in  their destiny. One could say that in a seven year it was most likely that he would make special connections with people that could help him in a spiritual and scientific way. 

It looks like his life number is an 8, and he is in an eight year now in his life cycle. Hence that is incredible positive for him. Momjunction share that eight is the numeric of the POWERHOUSE, a person that is ambitious and focussed on their goal. 

My destiny numeric is one, I take the initiative and think for myself, I don't follow others because most people don't impress me at all. I have my journey and I stay with it. I hold others to the same high standard as I live myself, we even raised the standards in Reiki in our region. 

My life path numeric is 7, the born teacher. Thought of as being deep thinkers and spiritual. It is written that when I evaluate a situation it is usually accurate. I can be a perfectionist and look for it in others. Affectionate and peace loving and can be reserved. Integrity is essential to yours truly, for there is no foundation for anything unless integrity exists. My soul numeric is also 7. 

As we say in Reiki, Reiki healing comes into your life when you are ready for it. When people are ready they start hearing about Reiki, and Reiki practitioners and teachers begin appearing before them. It is an amazing spiritual healing journey when people accept it into their lives. The ancient healing art that has been traced back 5,000 years. 

In ancient times, the martial artists were also healers, and some still are today. Our original male Reiki historian, Robert Jefford is both a martial artist and a powerful Reiki teacher. I first met him in London at the Healing Arts exhibition at Alexandra Palace. It was a sombre weekend as it was the weekend of Diana's funeral. Although Robert and I were still able to share our joy of Reiki healing with love in our hearts. 

As George Michael sung, once you've walked in the light nothing looks the same again. 

Once you've seen the light there is no going back to the old way of being. The power of healing is in our hands. 


9th of December, 2019. 
The painting is on card, size A4. 

In the history of names, it is the name of a saint and has a surname it is connected with children of orphanages. It is written that some Jewish people had this name when they were forced to become Christians. 

As the bible says, "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you".

"I rescued the poor who cried for help and the fatherless that had none to assist them" Job 29:12 and in so doing the LORD hears my prayers for those that require help. Even when Jesus the Jew was born, he was sent healing oils for healing, one of the oils delivered to him was "Frankincense".

The name of the Frankincense to eat is Boswellia and it can be bought as a supplement.

This is a link for a company in the UK, that provides the supplement. Although you would have to check the advised amount for your body weight. The company might be able to advise you, or I could ask how much is required to be taken each day. When I asked I was given three capsules to be taken each day for a year.

I like this guy he's a vet and he shares his health recommendation for people and animals. Although I would include pearl barley and palm oil, as they share the same component as coconut oil. In ancient times the Romans fed their dogs pearl barley too. In this video he also includes the Boswellia.

As a drink for people, not animals, Israeli doctors are also referring their patients to the Lemongrass farmer, they put fresh Lemongrass in hot water to drink, prior to, during and afterwards. Spirit kept on giving me the fragrance of Lemongrass so I passed it on to others that require it. 

In scripture even a King was sent a prophet to help him, do you remember when Prophet Isaiah helped the King and what he told the King to do? Divine instructions were delivered and Isaiah was a healer and into self-development.  True peace is only received and achieved with healing, the only way that it is self-sustainable and once received it spreads with the light of it upon our communities.

Just like Reiki spread across the world faster than the speed of light, it really has been miraculous at how fruitful Reiki healing as been for millions of people. Truly blessed we all were and are.


This painting is with oil on cork. 

So what I am eating this evening, chicken livers, red onions, garlic, red chilli, red capsicum, and red kidney beans. Chicken livers are great for the liver and beans are essential on my weekly menus. I eat red capsicum because they have more nutrients than the other colours.

Important nutrients for my body and its functioning. Sometimes I cook my rice or saute potatoes in turmeric, otherwise known as "curcumin" although I prefer fresh as that is more potent I find.

Interesting that curcumin has my name in it.

I always cook with black pepper anyway. I prefer black pepper to any other pepper, although I do like paprika.

I like cooking with coconut oil, I also cook with a healthy oil that has palm oil in it and you just can't beat plenty of garlic. If I make a coconut cake I use coconut oil, I like coconut oil very much. I try not to use sugar in my cooking, I try to use an alternative, ginger syrup, or honey.

Almond cake is also great for manganese and I do like almond macaroons, my mother used to cook those for me. Mum knew how to get the nutrients inside of me.

I'm still in a two year in my life cycle until my birthday in February, 2020. A two year is all about balance and harmony in relationships, and friendships. It is the numeric of the pair, two people that help each other, like two peas from the same pod.

People that just click together, as soon as they meet or connect. Sometimes that is due to past lives that have been shared together, sometimes it is because it is just meant to be for the healing process to manifest, sometimes it is karmic, sometimes it can be to share the joy of living life to the fullest.

Whatever it is I am usually told what the connection is in the past and the present when someone draws close to my side. Spirit never cease to amaze me with the revelations and how the divine guidance unfolds like a 1,000 petals of a Lotus flower.