
Tuesday 10 December 2019


In the night I had another dream and in it I was wearing a lovely flimsy white cotton dress and a white wool jacket. I was in our local town and it was Christmas, people were shopping and out for a celebration drink.

I was having difficulty walking in the lane due to the Christmas market and there was stuff everywhere. There was so much stuff that I had to step over it to be able to walk along.

Then I bumped into a client's daughter and she has also appeared in a previous dream. We were really pleased to bump into each other. They invited me to join them in a wine bar near to the local theatre.

As we were walking towards it the mother and her friend decided to stop off into a different pub. So I asked shall I come with you, as we are the same age group.

The daughter and her male friend asked that I stay with her and we went into a brand new wine bar and it was up some steps. When we arrived at the top of the steps, the girl was at the bar ordering drinks and I had to walk along the verandah to get to the bar. Loads of people were sitting and standing on the verandah.

Before I could get to the bar, my handbag had been taken off my shoulder. The bar staff then decided we must call the police immediately due to what was in my bag, car keys, door keys, purse, cards etc. While I was on their land line to the police, making the report. I woke up and I found it difficult to go back to sleep again.

If you dream of a robbery with cash in it, it is a warning dream, it means that you must be careful how you handle your cash. However, I think it is also telling people to be on high alert if you're going to a busy shopping area as there are robbers around.

In dream interpretation, the importance of the bag depends on what material it is made of. So for instance a cloth bag forecasts business success, and a leather bag can indicate unexpected travel. Full or heavy bags are an especially auspicious for your dearest wishes coming true.

When I woke up this morning I was given these words, "HIT SIX".

When I put "Hit Six" in the search engine, there was a film made called "Hit for Six', and the film was about the West Indies.

"Hit a Six" is cricket terminology. It means to hit the cricket ball hard enough to go out of the boundary of the field, thereby scoring six runs.

When you travel with Spirit you are always warned and prepared in advance of when to be on high alert.

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