
Sunday 22 December 2019


"The LORD will take delight in you and your land will be married".

2011 was the year of perfected love, and perfect love continually drives out fear. Yet, some people still tried to make people afraid and the LORD knows who was doing that to keep people away from perfected love.

In 2012, I told people it was the end of the world as they had known it and now the lefties can see how everything is changing and it not to their liking, but they will recover in time when they truly realise that they supported a "fear based ideology", known as Islam with some of it's members terrorising our people. Anyone that supports the "Islamic fear ideology" is not living in perfected love of the righteous because perfected love drives out fear.

When I was a child my mum was afraid of the dark, so she would push me into the maisonette first because she knew I wasn't afraid. Big smiles. Once she could put the light on she was happy! Mum grew up in a war torn era of WWII while our land was being bombed.

I grew up differently, in dad's awesome power of love, courage, self-confidence and self-determination, the Son of Joseph.

Song of Ascents - Psalm 128

In 2019, I met a very happily married leave politician that lives in the area of World's End, in London, when we discussed where he and his family lived, I knew then it was a significant moment in the timeline. As we approached the train station, I thanked him for being so positive in the meeting.

After that Richard Braine became leader of UKIP, and he has recently won his court case that the party were bringing against him. The NEC were not allowing Richard to make his appointments and get on with his job of leading the party. So I am very pleased he won his defence case because he really did try his best to get things moving in the right direction.

Justice, life is changing for the better in the UK, it is improving, onwards and upwards with the ascent, although you have to stay on it and keep the politicians in check.

Although, let us all enjoy this lovely festival and we have a solar eclipse on the 26th.


Isaiah 62 is an interesting chapter and in numerics when a person reaches the age of 62 it is an eight year and a year of spiritual transformation. I certainly experienced a year of spiritual transformation when I reached 62 and it comes after the second Saturn return that can bring health issues to the fore to be overcome. If there is something that you haven't sorted on your first saturn return, it will certainly come back in some way in your second saturn return.

In your first return it is easy to sweep things under the carpet, you can't do that when you reach the age of 60, you have to deal with whatever is thrown at you and it can be very intense on every level.

As the LORD would have it, I began investigating foods for healing and nutrition in the 90s, although in recent years the work has gone much much deeper and much much further, into different health conditions and what nutrients are essential for different systems in the body.

You have to rise to the challenge or be defeated by a health situation, it is our own choice how we respond to it and what actions we decide to take. Did you listen to divine guidance or not?

We can either just give into it, like a lot of people do, or use the power of our strength of will to overcome it, and there is no greater power than love to empower you to make the right choices in life and for your lives to be as healthy as you can be.

England is a land of legends, the Holy Grail and it's knights, it is full of divine blessings, saints and wonderful healers. Did you know we have more healers than doctors and nurses in the UK? Truly, our healers and complimentary medicine therapists save the NHS vast sums. In the 80s it was found that more people go to see CM therapists and they go more often than they go to see their own doctors. People began to take their power back from the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.

When you truly live in the power of love, love is always standing by to help you with your spiritual transformation. So when you are offered a true healing hand of help don't refuse it, accept it graciously, because it is meant to be divinely guided.

Always remember that your strength of will is given to you by God, if you do right by him, he will do right for you. Divine intervention really does exist.

As scripture says, "Ask and you shall be given", ask with pure intention this hanukkah. I prayed for a friend the LORD replied, "He listens to your voice".

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" James 1:17

Another gift for hanukkah a special soup designed just for those that most require it.


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