
Wednesday 6 November 2019

Venus in Sagittarius Transit

On the 1st of November - 25th of November 2019 is the Venus in Sagittarius transit.

Hence it is in my ascendent sign of Sagittarius the traveller. I found a lovely brand new purple Ukulele today in the charity shop, I collect small musical instruments for healing purposes. I also bought more healing oils today to increase my collection of oils.

This evening I tried out the Ukulele and it works with nerves in the spine around at the shoulder level. I've found that different instruments work with different systems in the body. The gong and jazz instruments e.g. saxophone and trumpet also work with the nervous system in the body.

So for instance my Tibetan Sound Bowl works with my neck as that is where I could feel it. My Buffalo drum vibrates with my heart as that is where I could feel it's sound.

The Tambourine could be felt in my shoulders, the Tibetan bells I could feel resonating with the ears and top of the spine. The Indian flute could be felt in the shoulders and back rib cage. My tuning forks work with the whole of my spine.

I'm having a lovely relaxing week this week, seen the chiropractor yesterday, bought some bamboo shoots today, they're great for B6. An appointment with my therapeutic massage therapist tomorrow, so lots of self-nurturing, and tender loving care. Friday it is time to dance once more, keeping the muscles moving.

These are great songs for this transit, now that I am driving again, songs from Stevie Wonder.

"Red sky at night shepherd's delight, 
red sky in the morning shepherd's warning"

Did you teach that rhyme to your children
 how to recognise the signs given in the sky? 

Did you teach the children, 
"Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves". 

I also found some red wine coloured boots with fringes today 
in a shop that was closing down. 
Not surprised that the colour red keeps on being brought into my life, 
as Sagittarius is a fire sign. 

Red passion and doing what you feel passionate about. 

England's flag patriots. 

The flag of St George is red and white. 

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