
Wednesday 6 November 2019


On February 18th 2019, Chiron moved on from dreamy Pisces and into Aries and it will stay in Aries until 2027. I don't have an Aries in my birth chart, although I do have Mars in Sagittarius.

I also have my ascendent sign in Sagittarius the traveller. Chiron is the planet of the wounded healer, and this is the timeline where I am to speak about the initiation of the healer when they have been wounded physically, e.g. a physical injury.  Remembering that Jesus was also wounded physically.

I will write more about the "Wounded Healer" initiation in a different post, as Lazarus was also a wounded healer. Although as far as I am aware scholars say that two different people with the name of Lazarus were mentioned in scripture.

Back to Chiron in Aries, the symbol of Chiron has a key and the letter K in it. No coincidence in that and the fact that my dad, the Son of Joseph was born in Aries and his children were both given first names with the letter K.

This link shares with you what Chiron is showing you at this time.

For myself being an Aquarian sun sign it is pushing me to speak and let my voice be heard. Hence, my healing meditation CD's are an important aspect of the communication for healing and that confirms what the holy Mother said recently about her healing meditation after I had gifted it to someone for their health and healing.

Secondly, with Mars in Sagittarius and my ascendent in Sagittarius, it is compelling me to bring forth my creativity in whatever way that manifests. When I take anything on, I do so creatively, creativity is in my blood, in my soul, in my Spirit and in my mission on the planet. My love manifests in different ways to suit the timeline that we are in.

When you are a child and you experience a physical injury, you have to rely on your parents to help you to get the help that you require. That would often require stitches and physical cuts in childhood can mutate genetics of children. Then if you are a healer, a miracle worker, and you experience a physical injury, that pain can force you to rely on the Spirit of God, rather than yourself.

The physical pain can cause a healing crisis, it can go further than that, it can impact upon your own self-confidence, self-esteem and trust in the self and power of healing due to the physical injury feeling overwhelming.

However, what is crucial is that through it all, you learn what the injury and it's pain is trying to show you. It is imperative that you allow the Kingdom of God to come close to you so that you can liberate your love from any physical pain that you have or are enduring, some of us healers went beyond endurance before we received the help that we required.

You have to have the key to it, you have to know how to process it. One thing is for sure that the Aries man, my dad, fully comprehended the power of love to liberate the soul and my love.

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