
Sunday 3 November 2019


Hashem spoke and on the 11th of October I had two dreams of my bedroom and refurbishment. First I saw my Christian mother celebrating, then I saw my Jewish friend celebrating.

On the 23rd of October I received another dream, of an urgent telephone conversation.

Last week I bought a rug from a charity shop for that room and it looks great. It looks and feels more tidy and cosy now.

On my bedroom window is a UKIP leaflet with Gerard Batten on it, so that people can see it when they come to my home. Gerard Batten is a fire sign like my dad. Outside my bedroom window is bunting.

We've had some news today, some of Gerard Batten's supporters that also support Richard Braine, have been elected to become members of the NEC. That is the best news today, even our man in Suffolk has been elected. A female Gerard Batten supporter, Nicole Bushill also received the most votes, and young Joel is now on the NEC representing young Kippers.

Let the fireworks begin, as Venus is in my ascendent fire sign of Sagittarius.

The other news is that after all the fanfare about Farage from Trump, Farage is saying he's not going to stand for election in the forthcoming election. I'm not surprised at all about that due to him having been beaten numerous times. Farage doesn't have the courage to face the electorate does he?


How can anyone vote for the Liberal Democrats when they stood against the disabled, students, our referendum, and democracy? How can anyone vote for Labour, they sold some of our gold reserves to prop up the Euro. They spent more than they gained in taxes, they would like a lot more immigration, they got our NHS into debt and stand against our referendum and democracy.

How can anyone vote for the Tories, the deal Boris put forward is unacceptable, they've reneged on all of their promises to the British electorate. This will be the 4th election on Brexit. Cameron had two elections on giving us the referendum. Theresa May had an election on it and now Boris Johnson.

We've already had the referendum, leave voters won, 17.5 million people, the largest vote in the history of the country for anything. Not only that but Cameron said that we had two years to negotiate and after that we were out on WTO terms. That is what we voted for.

Gerard Batten wrote a book on how to deliver BREXIT, he's the man that knows more about BREXIT than anyone else.


Venus in Sagittarius transit 1st Nov-25th Nov

The moon is currently in my sun sign of Aquarius, a fixed sign. 

Staying with the course of action ! 

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