
Sunday 3 November 2019


Last week I was asked to look at a case of "PRURITUS", it is a skin condition that the elderly get.

During my research I found that there had been a successful study carried out with Sesame Oil and Mint Oil together.

That was interesting as during the summer I had given the lady a black peppermint plant for her garden and had previously (2017-2018) recommended eating sesame seeds for skin.

For the last two years the lady thought it was an "allergy", when in fact it is a nutritional deficiency. The elderly don't get enough oxygen to their blood cells, e.g the enzyme Coq10, or enough collagen due to the body producing less and less of it after the age of 30.

It is a few years ago now when the LORD spoke of the Collagen, and so I have marine collagen supplement to take. When he spoke of the collagen, I made a blogpost about it on this blogspot.

Eating collagen boosting foods is also imperative for the skin in the body after the age of 30, and I've always enjoyed eating avocado.

Another healing oil that had been given to the lady previously, after she had received operative procedure was ORANGE BERGAMOT divinely. The healing oil mainly comes from Italy. However, that oil was to help with the healing of the body after the operation. Any cuts to the body, impact upon the body, and it can take the body up to two years to recover from operative procedure.

What you find with people with "Pruritus", is that their skin is very dry, and the more dry the skin is the more taut it is, the more that it will "itch". It is a different condition to other skin conditions, as some skin conditions are due to mutated genetics and the sunshine is imperative for those skin conditions.

Jesus loved his healing oils and having them put upon him by the soft hands of a woman. Magdalena was an aromatherapist and a reflexologist, she was also clairvoyant. Hence, for this condition, the therapy that I would recommend for pruritus would be aromatherapy massage on a regular basis, until the condition can be resolved with improvements in nutrition and supplements where necessary.

I would also recommend eating coconut oil, oily fish, (oily fish can also be taken in a capsule"). One of the foods that I recommended was making smoked mackerel pate with cream. I also eat fresh marinated anchovies. Cod liver oil is also great.

The other aspect for elderly women is that women are meant to increase their iron intake during the menopause and afterwards. The increase should be nearly three times what we would have eaten prior to the menopause. The best food for iron is liver, I like chicken liver pate, and lambs liver with mash and veg. People with "Pruritus", tend to have an iron deficiency too.

I advised the patient against taking Vit C that the lady has been taking for years, as we usually get enough Vit C in our diet. Too much Vit C is not good for the skin or bones. In fact, I found that if you drank to many fruit smoothies, the Vit C takes the skin off of your lips.

I know if and when I have to increase Vit C foods by the softness of my nails, if my nails become soft I eat some cheese, and my nails soon increase in strength within hours. Some people take a Vit C and magnesium supplement for general health.

If I was that lady with "Pruritus", I would stop taking Vit C, and I would take a serious look at the magnesium. Sufficient magnesium can be obtained from food, the body doesn't like too much of it and if the body receives too much of it, it will flush it out of the body.

Those people might think they have IBS, when in fact it could be an excess of magnesium. So make sure you know what your body requires and when.

The LORD asked me to take collagen and manganese as posted on this blog. So I then adapted my menus and supplements to accommodate it.

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