
Sunday 10 November 2019


This morning I was going to look at a local Christian church hall facility as I am looking at the possibilities and potential for 2020. When I woke up this morning I received this message:

"There is no future for us on this land". 

That is a very concerning message from Jesus to receive this morning in regard to the location and land on which I live. So now I await divine directions in regard to where we are going and what I am to do.

I did ask yesterday whether we would continue working with the healing oils and it was a yes, I also asked him if I would be carrying on with the nutrition work that we have been involved in and it was a yes. The work of the Aramatheopist continues into 2020.

So what is in the planetary chart for Aquarius in 2020? What is written in the stars? It sounds like a year to Swan around, and float through the year having an enjoyable year, so nothing is fixed. At least now I have a car to swan around in.

I would like to do some travelling in 2020, to Spain to see friends, and to Israel for the third mission if possible. I did have a dream earlier in the year, the Israeli's were asking me when I was returning to Israel. In the dream I told the Israeli PM that I had to go to Greece first but could come to Israel for Christmas, he laughed at me and he said, "You can't have a Jewish Christmas in Israel". Big smiles.

I must admit that when I go to Israel I enjoy to be with the Jewish people with them in their homes and lives. Meeting their families and exchanging spiritual experiences, so much loved shared.

It sounds like I am going to be talking to people socially, and in social environments. Although it also sounds like it could be a time to work on some writing projects that have to be completed and start work on writing the film script. I have thought of the possibility of putting a new website together, with a phone service too.

However, I shall await divine instructions of what we shall do together,  when and where. It does sound like there is a physical move coming up in 2020, a move of home, so that is interesting too.

Action in my romantic life is also a strong possibility. Swanning around having fun sounds like a great year for yours truly. Certainly deserved !

My son was born in the year of the dog, and is also an Aquarian, although he was born in January, whereas I was born in February. For my son it sounds like he will be on the move property wise and probably in his work life too. It is an end of a 9 year cycle for him this year and a start of a new one next year. Lots of new beginnings for him and he doesn't like change as much as his mother does.

In 2020, after my birthday, I will be in a three year and that numeric is aligned with wisdom, so I am not surprised that business and networking is featured in the planetary map of 2020 for yours truly.

2019 I have been in a two year and that has been ideal for building friendships and relationships that are appropriate for this timeline.

Wisdom more precious than rubies with length of days, 2020! 2020 is also an ideal time to go to Israel and usually when I am sent to Israel it is a Jewish holiday whilst I am walking upon the land. So we will see what the Lord has planned for yours truly, as 2020 unfolds before us.

Clearly, following his message this morning, I am not to make any plans for 2020 at this point for my current locality. That could be due to a move of home on the horizon and staying fluid and flexible so that when he says go, I have to go and do whatever he says.

I have been clearing out my double wardrobe and it sounds like there will be more of that in 2020. I have work stuff in my wardrobes too. There is stuff everywhere. Exhibition graphics, you name it, I've got  it. I still have the Spiritual Psychology graphics that went up at London Excel, the only time that they were seen, apart from my website at that time.


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