
Sunday 10 November 2019

November 12th Full Moon

Barbara Goldsmith shares about the forthcoming full moon in Taurus on the 12th of November 2019.

Barbara sums it up with "Human -v- Superhuman". I have to disagree with her on Aquarius, Aquarians embrace change and thrive on it, knowing that change is the only constant.

Also Aquarians with Chiron in Capricorn, our boundaries are very strong indeed after we have reclaimed them if and when they were eroded. (Although planetary wise, Chiron is currently in Aries).

Erosion of boundaries can happen in childhood, with parents, at school and also in friendships and relationships, including business relationships and with colleagues. Hence the importance of ensuring that you have your boundaries in place and that you know what they are.

One of the biggest boundaries for Aquarians is finances, whatever you do don't take liberties with an Aquarian, otherwise we do come back strong and with a hard line that people must not cross. I have a heart of gold, yet, will not allow my love or wisdom to be taken for granted. It's a short, sharp, shift.

Sometimes if you keep on giving and giving, some people will keep on taking, without a thought of what they could do to help you. It isn't about expectations, or expecting anything in return, because we do our utmost not to have any expectations. We just like people to live authentically and be real, to be honest and true.

So let's look at the date of this full moon, it is on the 12th and the 12th of November is the "Day of Charisma", this full moon will impact upon the fixed signs the most.

What can I be fixed about in regard to my boundaries in my life:  Integrity, faithfulness, loyalty, professionalism, business and finances. As far as home is concerned, I am not fixed at all, and it is due to being so flexible and fluid that things at home often require fixing or refurbishing.

For instance I would rather swan around in my free time than spend hours and money looking after a property and it's maintenance. One of the reasons that I don't mind renting a property due to the expense of maintenance.  Although once I decided enough is enough, or I have an important reason to change things with the finance to pay for it, it can get resolved very quickly.

It isn't due to a lack of interest it is more to do with the fact that I can always find something that is more important and it usually includes helping others when they require it. I'd rather hire someone else to do the housework and decorating as my time and professionalism is better spent doing something else.

For yours truly home is basic, mostly what is essential, is enough for my requirements. Does that apply to all spiritual people? I think it does mostly with real spiritual people, where less is more. That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate other people's homes and how lovely that they are. It just means that I have had other priorities that were more important to my heart.

Full moons are about completion of a monthly cycle, and with it being in Taurus it means that something has to be completed. So for instance on Monday I am going to have my new car repaired, due to the technology in it showing a code 174 and the back lights are not working.

Mercury is also retrograde, so not surprised that the car requires some attention. It will be retrograde until the 20th.

Hope to stay with a healing friend that evening, so I shall wake up in her home on the day of this full moon. This evening I was sharing with her about the "Wounded Healer" initiation and there is a lot more to share in it's regard.

Taurus is an earth sign, a very homely sign, and most people have heard about the bull in the china shop. They can be clumsy in their lives and in their relationships and friendships.

Things can easily get smashed up in the home of the bull and that includes their partnerships in business and personally. So it's an interesting full moon has far as BREXIT is concerned, a make it or break it, a battle of wills.

The battle of wills in the sphere of politics prior to the general election in the UK. Johnson and Farage don't have much time left, as the listing of candidates has to be in on this full moon.

With it being a Charismatic full moon, we are bound to see a list of charismatic characters as candidates. I do know that the English Democrats are bringing forth their candidates, and it will be interesting to see who stands for UKIP too after the recent wins for Gerard Batten in the recent NEC elections. Then there is Anne Marie Waters and her candidates, if she decides to stand, so it will be an interesting election for sure being held a month after this full moon.


I'd like to see MPs from the smaller parties elected to parliament, especially Gerard Batten, as he wrote the book on how to deliver BREXIT. This election has the opportunity to be the most funky election yet, with Boris leading the charge, the campaigning kicks off next week.

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