
Tuesday 26 November 2019

TEAL Message

Yesterday I bought a woollen jumper to go with a long dress that my mother gave me and when I arrived home I was given the message of "TEAL" clairaudiently.

Teal is the name of a duck, it has a green stripe on it's head, and it is also the name of a colour that it gets from the bird.

The word teal is derived from the middle English word tele. In business a TEAL organisation is an emerging organisational paradigm.

In Christianity, we find the Green Scapular, also known as the badge of the immaculate heart of Mary. It is written that some nuns in France were given some visions in 1840, and that is how this "Cloth medal" came to be.

In the visions they saw Mother Mary, holding her heart aflame in her right hand and a green rectangular cloth in her left hand hanging from a Green string.

What was most unusual about the visions that they received is that the holy mother was seen without her veil and her hair was flowing.

I too have seen the holy mother with her hair flowing, dressed in a white gown. Although it is some years ago now, I remember it as I was in the bathroom at the time and her appearance was distinctive due to it being the first time I had seen her flowing hair.

There is also a Society of the Green Scapular in America.

It is not the first time I have worn this colour, I wore this colour for a time in the late 90s just prior to changing my life completely. It was at the end of one state of being, and moving on to a new state of being. My son and I even moved countries for a year after I began wearing this colour.

So it can definitely relate to endings and new beginnings and a forthcoming change in your life that is usually positive. It reminds me of my teddy bear keyring that is the same colour and my life certainly changed after I bought that. Now on this keyring is two new keys, a new key for the new front door, and a new key for my new used car.

While bathing today, I drifted off and then I was shown a vision and in the vision I saw a message written on a forum thread and it was a one-liner giving an instruction.

Today is an important day due to it having the numeric of 26, as it is the Hebrew gematria of the name of God.

As such, after my bath today, I am wearing my green jumper. It is also new moon today, and life is just as passionate but a lot less intense.

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