
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Neptune in Pisces 27th November 2019

Neptune turns direct today into Pisces and Pisces is a very sensitive and emotional sign. So I am not surprised that I was feeling tearful yesterday and I am clairsentient and pick up on others and the planetary energies.

With Neptune going direct. Clarity in some area of your lives will come says Patrick Arundel.

Neptune has been retrograde since the 21st of June so many things may have been clouded and not as clear as you would like them to be. The Cafe also say that Mercury also heads for a trine in Neptune, I have Mercury in Pisces too. Hence, my communications can be purposefully emotive to get to the heart of what is really going on. I have Pisces in my third house, and that is about making connections between everything it assimilates and takes delight in new discoveries in subjects of interest.

I have Libra in Neptune and that can be the perfectionist inside of me. Libra in Neptune can listen to both sides of the debate, discussion or problem prior to coming up with a solution to create the harmony that is required in our lives and the lives of others.

Libra is the sign of justice and balance and Libra in Neptune people are great at being balanced in decision making when others can be scattered in their energies. We keep a clear head, focussed, on point, and prioritise. With Libra in Neptune we also enjoying solving issues and we often do it in an unconventional way; that certainly suits and Aquarian sun sign character that I am.

When Neptune is in Libra is in your birth chart, these people don't like confrontations in relationships or friendships, although we can rise to the challenge when we are forced to take action.

We can't bear to see injustice and we can really move into action if and when we see it happening to anyone that is weaker, vulnerable or less knowing than ourselves. The advocate, the protector of the underdog, we like to make the world a better place for everyone, so whatever a person requires to improve their life, we are willing and ready to do.

So for instance a Neptune in Libra person is more than willing and has the confidence to take on authority or authority figures with the truth e.g. "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping" Archangel Michael.

So for instance recently I questioned a Liberal Democrat politician, yesterday I wrote to a Green politician, and today I wrote to a Tory politician. For those of that voted in the referendum and stand against mass immigration of economic migrants into our country, we don't have any options in our local area. Three of the parties stand against the referendum, the fourth party has a brushed up Theresa May EU Brexit deal that we cannot approve of.

We say NO DEAL, clean break BREXIT, we also know that we legally left the EU in March 2019, so I hope that the solicitor Robin Tilbrook wins in Brentwood and Ongar.

We've taken on academics, professionals, business people and politicians in many fields of expertise who thought they knew better than the people they were being paid to help and that won't stop for the foreseeable future.

Protecting the underdog is often because some people are not aware of their human rights and some don't know how to defend themselves against some professional authority figures that do their utmost to defeat them.

So for instance sourcing a legal aid solicitor, and then attending the appointment with a person to help them with the process. Helping people to prioritise by keeping them on track with their lives so that they can get their lives sorted.

My physical energies are at a low ebb again this week, so I just have to go with the flow of life circumstances and do what I can physically. Emotionally and mentally I'm in a great space so everything is as clear as a bell. Have a great day today, with Neptune going direct.

For yours truly it has been a day for making a lot of important phone calls, writing emails, clear thinking, right action. Zion defends.

In numerics the 27th of November is the "Day of Excitement".

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