
Thursday 28 November 2019

Sargon and Lord Pearson -v- TellMama

Sargon interviews Lord Pearson about his TV interview and the reaction to it by TellMama. Lord Pearson refers to Islam's prophet as a "Warlord" and that is why TellMama reacted and there were 600-700 complaints to Ofcom, Muslims don't like the sharing of truth do they?

Lord Pearson says that he spoke to a prominent Muslim in the UK and when he asked about the raid and the murder of 600 Jewish people in one afternoon. The Muslim confirmed that Islam's prophet did in fact order their death because they refused to go on a raid with Muslims. The fact is that Islam's leader was a warlord and not a man of peace.

Lord Pearson asks "Can we talk about Islam?".  In this interview with Sargon he discusses the population stats and where we are at this point in the UK. He is very concerned about where this aggressive and fast Islamic population growth is going. Lord Pearson is concerned for our future and anyone that has looked into the reality of this situation should certainly be very concerned indeed.

"The crusades were a response to 400 years of Islamic aggression in the region".

I agree with Lord Pearson that the burka is a symbol of radical Islam, it is also a symbol that fundamental orthodox Islam as arrived e.g. Sharia.

I view the hijab as the same because I remember the days when you rarely saw a Muslim woman wearing a hijab, and the only burkas you saw in those days were when the Saudi's came shopping in the UK.

What was worn changed rapidly, and it was like it happened overnight with mass immigration. My view is that it happened in a country when the % of Muslims reached a specific size of population, although now for some young Muslim women it has become a fashion of identification and being able to identify each other by what a person wears.

Is England and the rest of the UK in jeopardy due to mass immigration?  I agree with Lord Pearson, it certainly is.

Luton in England is now 71% Muslim, and Tower Hamlets also has a Muslim majority and it won't be long before Birmingham has a Muslim majority. People of all walks of life have to be able to discuss this situation rationally and pragmatically; otherwise it is very likely that there will be a civil war on our soil. Our people have stayed peaceful for a long time but I don't know how much longer that will be the case due to the cultural genocide that has begun.

In this 29 minute interview you can hear what Lord Pearson and Sargon have to say about it.

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