
Thursday 28 November 2019


We have a political and election crisis in the UK, the latest Mori poll says that only 14% of the population trust politicians, that is down 5%.

In Boris Johnson's own seat in Uxbridge, an Iranian Muslim that wasn't even born in our country is standing against him. So why is the UK allowing non-UK nationals to stand in our election? Only people that were born in our country, and have an historic generational heritage in our country should be allowed to stand. As far as I am concerned it should be no less than the third generation born in our country.

In my area two of the candidates don't even live our area, three candidates are for remain, and we have one leave candidate that is a Tory. There is no opportunity for a leave protest vote in our area and therein is more of the election crisis for the people in our area.

If I was living in Brentwood and Ongar area I would vote for the English Democrat candidate Robin Tilbrook. If I was living in Crayford in Kent, I would vote for Graham Moore. If I was living where a UKIP candidate was standing I would vote UKIP. I would vote for a true leave the EU candidate.

86 year old Molly from Hampshire on what she thinks of the election and Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson.

Former leader of UKIP, Gerard Batten wrote on Twitter that "Boris chucked the GE when he took no deal off the table. Just as May chucked it in 2017 with policies that attacked the Tory core vote. I don't believe we will leave the EU & this is all part of the strategy to stop it. Hoped I'm proved wrong".

I think it is the most "depressing" time in British politics, people have so had enough of all of the infighting and people standing against our democratic vote in 2016. Three years of arguing over leaving the EU, when it is our democratic right to do so. David Cameron said on television that we had two years to negotiate and after that we would be out on WTO terms. That is what we voted for in the referendum.

So how can anyone trust a Tory or anyone else that has delayed the inevitability of us taking our country back from the unelected officials in the EU. Even Elizabeth must be embarrassed by her own speech telling parliament and our people that we were leaving in October 2019, when in fact, legally we left in March 2019. It is a constitutional crisis that has gone on and on.

The only articles worth reading about the election are on Kipper Central this is one of their recent most articles uploaded today.

I don't think Charles can help either, Charles I was executed and Charles II was in exile for 9 years, so very unlikely that Charles III could do any better with the same name. Names are incredibly important as they carry a frequency, a vibration and gematria.

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