
Friday 15 November 2019

Mi'ma'amakim Idan Raichel Project

The lyrics of this song from the artist "The Idan Raichel Project" is the translation of the Hebrew that is slightly different to the text shown in the video. The album was released in 2005, the year prior to my visit to Israel in 2006. It is written that the song is reminiscent of Psalm 130.'ma'amakim

From the depths, I called you, come to me
with your return, will return the light in my eyes.
It's not finished, it won't leave, the touch of your hands.
It will come and brighten, at the sound of your laughter.

From the depths, I called you, come to me
in the face of the moon that lights your path,
return to me, they dispersed and melted at the
touch of your hands. In your ears, it whispers and asks.

Who is it that calls to you in the night? Listen.
Who sings aloud to you, at your window?
Who devotes his soul in order that you be joyful?
Who sets his hand to build your home?

Who would give his life, place it in your stead?
Who (be willing to) live like dust beneath your feet?
Who would love you more than all others?
Who would save you from an evil wind?
From the depths.

From the depths, I called you, come to me,
in the face of the moon that lights your path,
return to me, they dispersed and melted at
the touch of your hands.
In your ears, it whispers and asks

Who is it that calls to you in the night?

After writing the lyrics on this blogpost I could smell Lemongrass again. The first time that I could smell Lemongrass was on Sunday, so on Monday I shared with a friend that I had Lemongrass to give.

I only took the Lemongrass healing oil with me, so I also put it upon my head and neck prior to sleep for two nights. On Wednesday morning when I woke up, I could hear a song, and the message was "Save the Day, Save the Day".

Then tonight, Lemongrass again, then again, and again.

Clearly, Lemongrass is very, very important. People can drink it in a tea, or eat it for removing bacteria from teeth, you can cook with it. You can also put the healing oil on the body. Very few medical studies have been done with Lemongrass, although there are a few.

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