
Saturday 16 November 2019


Lord Green from Migration Watch is a former ambassador and he shares the latest facts and stats on immigration, Our population is growing by a million people every three years. When you think of a million people, think of the size of Birmingham.

Fact: We are one of the most crowded countries in the world and there are huge social disadvantages for our people due to it. Lord Green says that the people notice that "Social housing is full of immigrants".

Migration Watch have been accurate on their projections. The interview is 34 minutes.

Successive governments are ignoring the will of the people. 30 million of our people have asked for immigration to be reduced in an independent poll. Lord Green says that "Business is making money out of immigration but the country is not". 

He says that the BBC slant their coverage on the issue of immigration and they don't realise the seriousness of the matter. It's not just the BBC either, the media generally support immigration.

Lord Green calls the media the "chattering classes".

The Labour party changed immigration in 1997 with the Tony Blair government, that's when mass immigration began, prior to that it was about 50,000 a year. Controls on immigration was loosened, Lord Green says that there has been a massive conspiracy implemented by the Labour Party.

In the 19th century immigration was 2% of the population, today, it is 14% and that is a huge increase. The Labour Party depend on the immigrant vote and are trying to build upon it, the Conservatives have done nothing to change the immigration policy and have ignored public opinion.

Lord Green says that none of the main governing parties have a plan to drastically reduce immigration. Since 1997, we've got to the point whereby Londoners are now a minority in our own capital city and every town and city has changed due to mass immigration.

Ignore public opinion on mass immigration at your own peril politicians. I warned the politicians in 2007 about the cultural genocide that had begun, and I warned them again in 2013. They can't say that they weren't told what would happen if they didn't change their ways and policies. As the bible says, do they have to be told more than twice?

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