
Thursday 14 November 2019


It's Mercury Retrograde until the 20th of November. So far I've had to have a car battery, today I had to buy a new hoover. Now the curtain pole has come down, so I've got to go and get a new one. That's Mercury Retrograde with a full moon in Taurus week for you, as Taurus is all about the home front.

When Mercury Retrograde as a Taurus full moon in it, you just have to take the bull by the horns and get on with it. No point getting cross with it, you just have to go over the same old ground and get it sorted. What I have noticed is that conversations are also going over old ground, revisiting conversations we've had previously. As an observer it is like viewing a film for a second or third time, whereby aspects ping out for you that maybe you didn't hear the first time that you watched it.

When that happens there is a purpose for it, a reason for it, so try to find the treasure in it because some people are so fixed that the only way that they learn is the hard way, that is their choice for their own learning process. So don't be concerned about any clashes in communications, as people are being challenged again to reach their potential. People will find their way through the planetary energies that are impacting upon them and it will impact upon their choices.

My challenges all appear to be on the home front and that which I own at this time and this guy called this Mercury Retrograde transit the "Mercury Spookygrade", I thought that was fun. The great thing about Scorpio is that it is great for research and digging into it.

So instance yesterday morning when I woke up, I was given the message, "Save the Day, Save the Day" in a song. Later that morning, I gave divine guidance to a young woman about her life. Then straight afterwards a guy rang her in our presence. Some might think that is "Spookygrade", whereas I view it as divine providence.

I have Saturn in Scorpio so market research was an important aspect of my career and work life when working for my clients, digging to find what was hidden that could help their products, services, and companies to be prosperous. The same can apply to the lives of people, and looking at whether they have any blockages that are in their way, if so, what they are, so that recommendations can be made to overcome any obstacles, of course sometimes it is plain sailing and victory is in sight.

The insights revealed by wisdom known to be more precious than rubies. As a client once said to me, "I didn't think you were listening", oh yes, I was listening to every word, I knew what I was looking for in the communications received so that I could prioritise what was essential for the company to make a breakthrough. However, at the same time, I was looking for the gap whether it could be filled, or whether it was even available. Like looking for the gap whilst driving on the road so that you can move through it successfully, just think about the journey that you are on during transits and planetary frequencies.

What I am also finding these days is that everywhere I go, I meet someone that requires some health information, even the girl that carried my hoover for me today. In this phase of my life, it's all about the structure of the body and what supports the structure  So gifting seeds daily wherever I go. That appears to be a feature for yours truly in 2020 too, swanning around meeting people, gifting seeds.

People appreciate the seeds when you understand where they are coming from and have had a similar life experience physically. It's great when people are ready and open to listening to that which can help them to improve their lives and their health. The young woman today, her health issue went back to when the young mum gave birth and I so comprehend that reality and how it can impact upon a woman's back.

Remember yesterday's message, SAVE THE DAY, SAVE THE DAY.

It's a fun curly day today for yours truly, a day wearing curls, getting what I had to get for the car, myself and my home. Taking the bull by the horns and just getting on with it. Even bought a watch to wear, no requirement for a mobile to find out what time it is when I go out. I still remember what Jesus said about the million dollars and he sure does make me feel like a million dollars even during a Mercury Retrograde.

My biorhythm's are up to 73% and higher on the physical for the rest of the week, by the 18th it will be at 100%, so taking the opportunity to get a lot done. Including cleaning kitchen cupboards and the dresser.  Next is the lounge, then the wardrobes in the bedroom, then after that the garden to prepare it for the wintertime. Then I can do some more painting.


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