
Friday 1 November 2019


It is written that the term KIMAH is mentioned in Job 9:9, 38:31; and Amos 5:8. referring to a celestial constellation. In Job 38:31 The LORD asks Job if he can "tie fast the bonds of Kimah constellation". Some say the constellation is in the Pleiades.

Thus Job was being told that he couldn't do what the Universal Sovereign could do. Steve Job couldn't do what he could do either!

In some translations it is written thus: "Dost though bind sweet influences of Kimah? Or the attractions of Kesil dost though open?"

The name of the celestial constellation was also given to a village in northern Syria and its inhabitants are predominantly Greek orthodox Christians.

No coincidence then that I have a strong connection with the Greeks, and have had a strong connection with George Michael since his passing. Sometimes I see his face before I go to sleep, the love vibration.

Prophet Amos glorifies the Creator as "Him that made Kimah and Kesil". Wikipedia share with us that Kimah does not mean Arcturus, and I agree my name does not mean Arcturus.

In Hebrew you can also find QUM in the word Qumran, and Jesus said my name when he was healing the little girl. You can find it translated in different ways, in some translations it is "KUM", in other translations it is "CUM".

You can also find QOM, and KOM in the different languages, I really enjoyed my time looking at the origins of the words in the different languages. It was a fascinating and inspired journey. I recommend that everyone does some word studies if they're interested in mystical scripture. As it unravels before your very eyes.

In some NT translations it is translated as "Little girl, I say to you, get up". Mark 5:41  "Little girl, I say to you, Arise!".


Although the word in the OT is usually translated as ARISE and Moses was told that a person would arise to help our people. Moses asked for the blessing of the bush to be placed upon the head of a person from the family of Joseph. Joseph was my grand-dad, and Sarah was my grand-mother on dad's side of the family. Scripture also mentioned the importance of the name Sarah.

For this is how the promise was stated, "At the appointed time, I will return, and Sarah will have a son". Romans 9:9. Sarah had many sons, although my dad was the youngest. Dad was a courageous man, a fire sign of Aries. I have less fire than my dad being an Aquarian, although I was born with a Sag ascendent. After the age of 40, your ascendant has far more prominence in the map of your life.

Not surprising then with a constellation in my name, that I would be interested in the planets and constellations during my life on the planet, although I never felt drawn to study it in-depth or train in it specifically. I leave that to those that have scientific brains.

I was always contented to be shown what Spirit would like me to see, when it was ordained for yours truly to see it. Going with the flow of my spiritual journey on the planet and following divine instructions when received.

Healing was always my compassion, my other grand-mother,  Sophia would speak to her little grand-daughter of the importance of having peace of mind. So helping others to heal their lives was always important to yours truly.

My dad, the Son of Joseph had the most amazing healing hands, really HOT! He was a natural healer. If I was ever stung he would suck the sting out of my body, my health was a priority in his life.

He often used to sit and massage my mum's neck, shoulders and back, while watching television. He clearly knew the importance of massage for mum's body. He also knew that children learn from observation, children learn what they live and see their parents do.


No coincidence then that the first time that I went to Israel in 2006, we sat around a camp fire and in the photographs orbs had appeared all around us. I wrote to the Israeli's if they are my fire then I am their flame. The flame of Joseph. One of the Israeli's, a beautiful artist (and RM) gave yours truly a scroll of remembrance of our time shared together and Joseph is mentioned in the scroll.

How amazing, that he even named a constellation after me, or did he name me after the constellation, you can't help loving him. If and when anyone wasn't happy with me, I'd say, "best you take it up with my maker".

Islam cannot compete with the truth, as Israeli's know that "Completion of truth exists".

It was known that I would be born amongst the fixed stars, it was known that I would be born during the night, and they knew that my birth would come in either February or March.

I was born at 4.30am on the 13th of February.

Bible prophecy also foretold that I would go to Israel after both of my parents had passed over. That is true, I went to Israel the year that followed the passing of my mother. Although I was only showed that prophecy after I had been instructed to go to Israel.

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