
Friday 1 November 2019

Artery Function and Coffee

Dr Greger, Nutrition Facts provides a flashback on the impact of coffee on artery function. As we know consultants always ask what you drink or smoke. If you say you drink coffee some consultants ask how many cups of coffee or tea that you drink and some don't.


I have had some red wine in October, Red October. Red wine is known for being good for artery function. Recently, I've been reducing the amount of coffee that I have consumed historically to a few cups a day. All my cups are larger than a coffee cup.

Today, the 1st of November, Venus moves into my ascendent sign of Sagittarius. So that is very positive for yours truly. Venus will be in my ascendent sign until the 25th of November. Sagittarius is a very active sign, always on the move, likes travelling, and progress in our lives. A fire sign, and the fire sign with less fire than all of the other fire signs.

We know that Jesus likes Venus due to the mention of it in scripture. The godly healer that loves to love. Interesting that there is also a star group called KIMAH. It was also given to a village in northern Syria, and it's inhabitants are predominantly Greek orthodox Christians.

A good time for health treatments and tender loving care if you have a quarterly health plan, every quarter as I do.

Next week I have appointments with the Chiropractor, and my deep tissue massage therapist. Also booked one-to-one ball room dancing for assessment. The arteries like movement, not just physical movement of your joints, but also massage for lymphatic drainage.

The muscles, ligaments and tendons like being touched and massaged. It is not just what you put into your body, it is also what you do with your body. The tissues of the body also hold onto any injury, so massage is imperative as soon as physically possible to get the trauma out of the body.

Unfortunately, the NHS are 20 years behind other western countries and as such, are not giving the people what the people require to relieve their health issues. If you don't require injections or surgery than they don't provide any follow-up to examinations, they're just not interested until they can operate on you.

A few years ago I had three appointments with the privatised physiotherapy department provided by the NHS, and at the end of three appointments I asked why am I not receiving any treatment from you? The physiotherapist replied that he wasn't allowed to touch my body.

As such my appointments with the physiotherapists were a complete waste of time and money spent getting to the appointments. It has taken the NHS hospital ten years to realise that I  have a spinal injury, that is atrocious neglect, due to a lack of continuity of care of the patient when the injury first happened in 2009.

Of course arteries also require more oxygen in the cells and the enzyme, Coq10 can help with that, I took 90mg last night. What else do I recommend for skin? A collagen booster, I have a marine collagen booster to take from Higher Nature.

What I find is that every person that I meet these days have nutritional deficiencies. A lot of people know about taking vitamins, but very few people know about the importance of the different minerals for the successful functioning of the body and it's dynamic self-healing system.

I like our Cardiologist from York, in England, he is always worthy to listen too. In this ten minute video he discusses the "Caffeine and its effects on the heart: The lowdown". "Even drinking numerous cups of coffee with caffeine doesn't trigger heart rhythm disturbances".

He advises against drinking energy drinks due to them being harmful, I told my son that, would he listen to his mother? No!

What else is important for arterial health? B12.

Some more Nutrition Facts

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