
Thursday 10 October 2019



9 October, 2019 

Yesterday President Trump signed executive orders for transparency. Restrictions are being removed and being made more transparent. He's even bringing back our previous light bulbs that are more economical to purchase. Donald John Trump, knows how to use his trump card. 

Trump made a passionate speech from his heart yesterday, it was probably the most compassionate speech I've ever heard him speak. His words touched my heart when he was talking about his army and bringing them home, when he spoke about the families of the men that had been in the army. 

At the beginning of his speech he spoke of how he had just spoken to Boris Johnson on the telephone. Trump has the ear to hear what others are saying and acts upon it to make things happen to help the people. I don't agree with Trump on all things, for instance I don't agree with him on 5g; although I think he has been the best President that America has witnessed in action to help his people during my lifetime. I wish him long life and length of days. 

The painting looks much brighter held in the hand, it is in two colours, orange and red. I saw a lot of feathering in the painting, strong native American colours. Yesterday, I was looking for a fridge freezer that had a freezer section bigger than the fridge section of it. Do you think I could find one, the reason being is that I already have a new fridge. 

Anyway, I ended up buying a RED chair, that massages your back, it is remote controlled and gives heat to the back too. How amazing is that! My lounge is going to be mustard and red colour scheme with pine wood furniture. The pine wood chest that I bought from the charity shop has been excellent for my art materials. RED is a power colour, and great for business too. 

Venus turned into Scorpio on the 8th of October, 2019 and that can be very intense in relationships and friendships.  Intensity, tenacity, never giving up, or giving in until solutions are found. The power of love, how deep is your love? However, from a professional point of view, we have to stay detached from entanglements, to maintain clarity, focus and concentration. 

Otherwise emotion can cloud your view of what has to happen. We cannot make decisions based upon emotion, we have to be pragmatic in business to tackle the issues that humanity faces. Being master of the self, being self-disciplined is essential when leading others and Trump is very self-disciplined with himself and with others. 

I have Saturn in Scorpio, the "Soul Healer", deep intensity, the investigator of souls, protector of souls. Biblically, it is the overseer of souls, and Joseph was the overseer that saved the people from the famine. A dream interpreter that I am, recently I had a dream of Trump and today he is having a meeting with China. 

The dream was on the 3rd of September 2019, and in the days that followed there was a major breakaway in the CT community. As I explained to people after that happened, it can happen a lot in business, although that doesn't mean that I like it when it does happens. As written people have to be pragmatic in business and cannot be led by emotion. The same with the CT community, it has to be pragmatic due to the intensity of many of the investigations that we engage in. 

MARS the fire planet also entered Libra and that is about justice, so I wasn't surprised to see Milo  on the front page of the Daily Mail website talking about the American woman that had a fling with Boris Johnson when he was Mayor of London.

British people don't care about who Boris had a fling with, all we care about is getting BREXIT done. 10 million BREXIT coins are being minted, 50P coins that will be in the lefties pockets and purses, that will trigger the lefties for a long time to come.

The left in the 21st century don't appear to be pragmatic about anything, not in America or in the UK. The Labour Party have gone full champagne socialist with the Liberal Democrats with their "anti-Brexit", while the working class continue to suffer the impact of mass immigration upon our culture.

If the left had any compassion at all for our people, for our culture, they would be taking compassionate action to halt the immigration and call for deportations of immigrants that have no entitlement to live in the UK.

The Son of Joseph stood against membership of the EU in the very beginning, he had true compassion for our people and the working man and woman. There was strong mars with him being a fire sign, my mum was a water sign so she knew how to put out his flames of fire to make him a gentle ember at home with his family.

As prophecy said, Joseph is the flame and Jacob is the fire, Esau will be stubble.

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