
Wednesday 9 October 2019


I bought some orange paint yesterday and the lady said, "don't forget your paint", I replied, "Oh yea, have to have my orange paint for Trump", people in "The Works"  shop smiled. 

In this painting is orange and red, plus a little pink, come on Donald John Trump, come on England and BREXIT. We've got 10 million BREXIT coins being minted, just think of it, the lefties will be having BREXIT coins in their pockets and purses to drive the lefties around the bend. 


8th October 2019. 

What else happened yesterday, when I arrived at the Crystal shop, the owner said, "I was thinking about you this morning". While I was shopping, an English soul was also speaking over my shoulder and he said, "I knew you were shopping". 

I picked up some crochet books at The Works and found that American crochet books use different terminology to English crochet. I bought the books due to making a promise to a little girl that I would teach her to crochet. Skills that are important to pass on to the next generation, how to make their own clothes. 

Today, I noticed an E has manifested in that painting, that is the second painting recently whereby an E appeared in the artwork. 

Different paintings in this month of RED OCTOBER. These are the previous paintings. 

What else has been happening? Yesterday, Venus moved into Scorpio, and the 8th of October was the "Day of Romance". It is staying in Scorpio until the 1st of November, 2019. An intensive and testing time for relationships, friendships, and that can also relate to geopolitics. It can be a time when it is make it or break it and only those with tenacity on both sides, manage to transform their lives.  

If it is romance that you looking for this is a great time to meet someone new. Scorpio is very very deep, how deep is your love? 

I have Saturn in Scorpio in my chart, so that can make me very protective of those I love and care about. For this "Soul Healer" that can manifest in the tenacity of the health investigations that I engage in. 

So for instance in recent days we've been looking at what creates 'DYSGEUSIA". In recent weeks I had an ear infection and I was given ear drops, those ear drops have steroids in them. Steroids impact upon the nervous system, endocrine system and can impact upon the organs in the body too. 

Three different cases of "Dysgeusia" were considered and in all three cases ear drops had been given. 

Dysgeusia is when your taste changes, so with the first ear drops, everything tasted salty. At first I thought it might be the "Sea Kelp" that I was taking, so I stopped taking it. Then with the next ear drops, I couldn't taste anything, and everything felt like slime in my mouth. It didn't matter what I ate, or drank, the texture was all the same. 

The tongue was not differentiating what was in my mouth. Yet, I still had my sense of smell, as I could still smell the healing oils. 

So yesterday, I decided to have some acupuncture, and in the morning I also had an x-ray of my neck and left shoulder due to experiencing pins and needles in the left arm since May. 

Pineapple and melon are both great for the nervous system, and I recommend Greek yoghurt for the brain and gut flora. Of course, I will start taking my supplements again now that we have solved the mystery of what was causing the health condition of dysgeusia. The other thing about steroids is that they deplete the nutrients in the body, so it is essential to take supplements. 

I also have Scorpio in my midheaven, and in my 11th house. Hence a lot of depth and tenacity in my chart, great for investigating anything that takes my interest, it also stood me in good stead in business on behalf of my clients and friends. Looking into root causes, and providing solutions, commissioned to design the development of projects and then implement them. 

My birth chart is mostly Air, Water, and Fire. 

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