
Thursday 3 October 2019


Two different size artworks with a similar theme, the paint was spread during the night. 

The size of this painting is A3. 

They are very bright and the 3rd of October is the "Day of Trendsetter", will Brexit set the trend for other European countries to take action against the EU? How about countries outside of the EU, how will they feel about the actions of the EU putting so much of their money into 5G?  The world is changing rapidly, and so are many of our people. 

In the mid 90s the largest research ever carried out took place in Europe, 22,000 people were interviewed and it was found by the research company that advises governments and the corporations that no longer were people in Europe motivated by consumerism. Those that were interviewed were no longer interested in things for their own sake, nor were they motivated by money. 

The motivations of the people had changed and when asked about their desires, they responded that health, happiness and well-being was their priority. 

Although the word "well-being" is a biblical word and it is relates to the soul and its journey on the planet. The health/medical industry high-jacked the word "well-being" and so did successive governments in our western countries. 

Ask yourselves can the medical profession heal the soul of an individual? 

People born with Saturn in Scorpio are the soul healers, no coincidence then that I was born with it in my chart. Hence, it was natural for yours truly to manifest it to help others too. 

I think that many Europeans were heavily influenced by the huge growth in spirituality in the region and once people's perspective, desires and motivations changed, people began to see the world differently with different eyes. 

Many people engaged in healing themselves and others, and there are literally millions of healers and complimentary therapists on the planet now. It really took off in the 80s although natural healing has always been integral to our countries health and cultures. 

It grew so rapidly, that even the BMA became concerned at the speed and size of it. They found that more patients were visiting CM therapists and healers and they went more often than they did to see their GPs. Their conclusion was that our healers give patients a lot more time and attention to patients and their health conditions, plus the positivity and comfort received was helping their health conditions to improve. 

After that in the UK, Gordon Brown commissioned research to be done in the UK, due to governments wishing to understand what motivates people that are not motivated by money. 

The bible says that only God understands for it is a godly mission. 

Governments wished to harness the energy of people that were not for profit, our love is not for sale.  

People that live in their hearts of integrity would not allow the Labour Party or any other political party to take advantage of our pure heart of intentions and conscience. Our healing love is priceless. 

As a neighbour said to yours truly, "what you did to help that woman is priceless", we extended her life. As the song goes, we did it all for love, the love that compels us to love beyond measure. 

We are patriots because we respect and honour our countries and cultures in defence of our indigenous peoples. As President Trump said at the UN, "The future belongs to the patriots". 

Although I would say this to President Trump, is 5G healthy for our people? No. 

Is the technology capability that already exists in our western countries healthy for our people? No. 

In South Korea children are suffering from what the scientists have called "Cyber Dementia". 

So how long do we have? Dr Martin Pall Phd in Washington is quoted as saying the following: 

"What we know from human and animal studies, we probably have between 5-7 years until our collective brain function will crash based upon exposures that we already have. This is without 5G. With 5G I am estimating six months". 

The size of this painting is A4. 

In this presentation made by John Kitson for the UKIP conference in 2019, he shares some scans of blood cells and the impact of technology on the cells. He also says that his mother died due to EMF radiation that caused a brain tumour.

John includes some interviews with farmers and how cows and rabbits are also dying due to the new technology. Children are absorbing 60% more radiation than adults. The presentation is 25 minutes and I ask you, in all seriousness that you consider the consequences of what big tech is doing to humanity and our wild life.

You didn't hear the Tories talk about this being the biggest danger that humanity faces at this point in time. Did you hear the Lib Dems, or Labour politicians talking about it at their conference, or where they more interested in keeping our country and our laws under EU control. Once again, the EU is funding what is destroying our people and culture. Yet there are people and politicians that are doing their utmost to keep us in the mire of the EU.

As our veterans in London so rightly said on the 28th of September the politicians in parliament are "self-servatives" at the time the veterans were protesting what the government has done to soldier F.

Let us not forget that 5G has been used in warfare, it is a weapon of war.

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