
Wednesday 2 October 2019


It was a year ago this month that I received the message "You are to look after each other".

In the book of Ezekiel it is written, "For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness" Ezekiel 34:11-12

Then in May 2019, I received a dream of a shoebox with a large crystal egg filling it. After the dream I received the message, "RED OCTOBER".

More information on the interpretation of the dream.

As we turned into June I received some news about a friend's health, although they tell me that they had known about it for some time.

Last week a 9 year old girl gave me a red and white shoebox inside it was a book from my spiritual library. When she gave me the box it reminded me of the dream of the shoebox received in May. The girl with her brother and mum arrived in my neighbourhood in June.

I spread the paint of the heart when we were painting together some weeks ago.

October has now arrived, so we will see what transpires this month. In England a red light can mean stop at the traffic lights and I am looking for a car to buy this month. The morning my new driving licence arrived the message received was "Discovery".

Also at the weekend the only candle I could find at home for lighting up time on Sunday was a red one. Coincidence? I don't think so. Red is a power colour, I did have a blood test in September, and it was fine.

The message received over the weekend, "THE BALL BEGINS" I associate balls with dancing,  charity and fundraising.

So what is happening for yours truly planetary wise? On the 13th of October it is the full moon in Aries in my 3rd house (that is in Pisces) and on the 28th of October it is the new moon in Scorpio in my tenth house.

Of course, this is England's BREXIT month, out of the EU by the 31st of October.

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