
Saturday 5 October 2019


On the 4th of October, Mars moved into Libra and I have Neptune in Libra, Libra likes balance, justice and harmony. The 4th of October was the 'Day of Survival", particularly relevant to the UK at this time with BREXIT.

If you have Neptune in Libra peacefulness in nature is most prominent, resourceful, and can be a perfectionist. We don't commit easily to any situation, although once clarity is attained, we are all in with all of our hearts and souls.

It requires a tremendous amount of communication prior to a Neptune in Libra person making their minds up and it is no different when communicating with Spirit, the evidence had to be real, and continuous, before I was totally convinced. It took years of communication prior to moving forward and telling anyone about it after I was divinely instructed to do so.

With Mars being in Libra it is energetic, powerful and empowering. You could say that it is highly charged and people with Neptune in Libra are successful at attaining spiritual enlightenment. Once experienced it is integral to the nature of the being.

People born with Neptune in Libra were born between October 1942, and October 1956, it is written that it was the only time in the last 200 years that this happened. Hence, it impacted on a whole generation of people that sought peaceful pursuits and peace of mind. Many of our veterans are also in this age group, our veterans defending our people, culture and land.

When we were children we would do anything to just be in a peaceful environment, and that often manifested as living in our little world of peace in nature. Hence, anything or anyone that opposed that peacefulness was removed from our lives. The same if anyone tried to change our balance or take us out of kilter, they weren't allowed to stay in the peaceful sanctuary of our home for long.

Due to my own peace of mind and heart I used to say that if a person has made peace with themselves than their peace can add to mine, and mine can add to theirs. Being protective of your peaceful self, your heart and soul; is self-preservation, preserving the self and one's peacefulness. That is why there can be no compromise with those that have not made peace with themselves and their own lives.

When Mars is in Libra it can show you who your true friends are, and whether your friends are true and trustfully loyal to you. It is often a time when people can just show up unexpectedly, maybe people that you haven't seen for a long time.

It is written that it is a time when work isn't top of the list of your priorities and it can free you up to do more of what you enjoy the most. So it is no surprise, that I have been spreading the paint again in recent days, a peaceful activity.

5th of October, 2019

This transit is positive energy for all of the air signs and this transit is for six weeks. It is a good time to share time with your loved ones, allowing them to enjoy your positive energy. Although Mars can be contrary, so keep clarity in your hearts at this time and clarify anything that you know has to be clarified.

It is not such a good time for the sun sign, fire signs, so they require your support and love beyond measure at this time as keeping your balance is always very important to your health. Balance in everything that you do will get a push forward now, and that can mean people will be looking at what they can do to bring more balance into their lives.

Sometimes that can mean just listening to what others hold in their hearts and what they would like to express especially if you are used to talking a lot either professionally or personally.

You don't have to agree with them, just listening sometimes can help people to work through what they are confronting at this point in their lives. Although remember actions can speak louder than words at a crucial time in a person or families life. If they ask for help you can give it, people appreciate you more when they ask you.

Compassionate action is essential for living life in a merciful way. For the LORD did not ask for sacrifice he asked for HESED.

While writing this a Libra child came to my door to ask me to go and see her cousin that had arrived for a sleepover. As soon as the toddler saw me he came running into my arms of safety and told me he didn't like someone else while pointing at them.

He definitely has clarity in his heart on who he likes and who he doesn't, I remember the first time I met him and he said, "I like her". Big smiles, he's so adorable.

I think he can read auric energy fields as many children can and he is a very determined, a strong willed little one that knows his own mind and heart and none can sway him or take him away from his truth that is in his heart. Children can see it when the light of love is standing before them.

I remember being that age and knowing who I liked and who I didn't. Sometimes my parents would ask me to kiss adults in the family goodbye, and it was an adamant look that was telling my parents, NO! They couldn't force me to kiss anyone.

Today, I held the child in my arms with him sitting on my hip while we talked together, cheek to cheek, then he was happy. Then I let the children play with my Tibetan bells and sound bowl, they love the sound and energy of it.

With Mars in Libra, I'm not surprised to see class action lawsuits mentioned in the media, high profile cases. People are looking for justice to be done in so many areas of our culture.

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