
Saturday 5 October 2019


This video from Dr David Jonkers might interest our readers.

The top foods and herbal compounds for "Autophagy" and Cellular Healing and it includes the following:

Bergamot Orange
Curcumin otherwise known as Turmeric (fresh is best)
Dark Chocolate
Earl Grey Tea
Ginger (fresh is best)
Green Tea
Red Onions
Red Wine

I have all of the above except for the teas. Although in Bergamot Orange I have it has a healing oil, I also have rosemary has a healing oil, although I grow Rosemary, Sage and Oregano for cooking.

I also grow blueberries and eat cranberries in dark chocolate. Fresh ginger and turmeric I prefer fresh as then you know you are getting the real thing.

Elderberries I began drinking elderberry last year and I have some red wine sometimes as a treat, although my body doesn't like very much wine in this timeline. Red onions I prefer.

I don't have a regime like it is mentioned in this video, I'm body intuitive so I listen to my body on a daily basis and respond to it as and when. Although nearly 20 years ago, I tried Keto and it changed the way I viewed the food that I put on a plate.

I tried it for health reasons, because everyone that I knew that had tried it, looked incredibly fit, healthy and energetic. Hence as a health consultant it was more of my research to help others, I experiment on myself during my research and if something works for me I know I can safely and happily recommend it to others.

The Bergamot Orange was something that I was given divinely for a lady to put on her body after operative procedure.

Although for "cancer" sufferers, it doesn't include the three foods that have a compound that has the power to kill cancer cells. Although all the help you can give your bodies the better it is for your body.

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