
Monday 28 October 2019


In October 2019, I was compelled to buy an office chair that heats up and it also massages. It is the most comfortable chair I've ever sat in and my back and neck like it very much when I gently lean back into it.


I bought the chair prior to receiving my x-ray results about my neck this week.  I suffered an acute injury to my spine in September 2009, and this is the first time the hospital x-rayed my neck on my request due to pins and needles in my left arm. The first time that I saw orthopaedics was in 2009, the consultant said that I was in so much pain at that time that he couldn't even examine me.

He then passed me down the line to a different doctor and all he offered me was a "Pain Management" course. Of course I didn't attend the course due to what had been written in their leaflet. It was basically a "Stress management" course and as I told the doctor at the time, you don't manage stress you heal it. The trade unions knew in the 90s that "stress management" courses don't work which is why I featured it in my first manuscript.

I've been to the walk-in clinic, A&E and seen different consultants many times since 2009. I was even referred for physiotherapy in recent years and when I asked why I wasn't being given any physiotherapy, I was told by the physiotherapist that he wasn't allowed to touch me. So after three visits I was no further forward at that time with obtaining hands-on treatment from the NHS.

It does make you wonder why the clinical commissioning groups continue to give massive contracts to people that are not giving any treatment at all to our NHS patients. I have spoken to so many people that have said exactly the same thing in regard to the privatisation of the NHS and frontline services.

Since 2009, I have had to pay for a Chiropractor, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Reflexology and Alexander Technique.  Of course being a Reiki Master Teacher I am able to give myself Reiki whenever I feel like it, Reiki is a godsend.

Dr Usui called it the "Science of Happiness". When you put your Reiki hands on, it can be HOT as a little four year child said to me in response to my healing hands. "It's HOT". 


A friend paid for me to have an Inversion Table so I can get on that whenever I feel like it too. The inversion table and regular massages have definitely stretched the back, because after shrinking, three years later I had regained most of my original height when I was measured.  Of course tailored nutrition and supplements have also helped the condition.

In 2009-2010, to remove the overwhelming pain from my body caused by the injury. I also did self-development work, it is natural for me to do what I taught. I refer to it as liberating the love that we hold inside of us, it is certainly a key to life and life enhancing.  When I say it was overwhelming, it really was, that it is how I felt at that time, totally overwhelmed by it and during my life I've had a high threshold. After intensive self-development, I felt the power of love consume and surround my being, I knew that love beyond measure would do its job to help my dynamic healing system.

It took seven years of asking for an MRI scan of my back before an MRI referral was given. However, they only took an MRI of my lower back and not all of my back. As far as I am concerned an MRI should have been given for the whole of my back in 2009 when it was too painful for the consultant to examine me. That should've set off alarms bells at that time for the doctor.

It wasn't until I shed 20 kilo's in weight that the medics began to take my case very seriously.


Changing my nutrition, following divine guidance, taking supplements to suit the condition as also certainly helped my lower back, and I have podiatry privately too and insoles. The feet impact on the back and the back impacts upon the feet. I treat myself with aromatherapy oils too, and they are incredibly powerful, they've been a great success.

In 2019, I can now walk further than I had done previously without pain, so that is a great sign. It always seems to be the case that I overcome one health issue and then I'm given a different one to resolve. Perhaps I shouldn't be so good at my job. It does take time, patience and perseverance, but I assure you it is worth it! With every small improvement your hope increases, and with this condition it is small steps, one at a time. As my gran Sophia used to say, "Where there is a will there is always a way".

This month I now have a car, so that will definitely improve my quality of life; my life has been transformed this month of Red October.  Such a feeling of freedom and independence regained.

Anyway, the reason that I am making this blogpost is because Dr Eric Berg has uploaded a video on heat therapy and I thought you might be interested in what he has to say about it.

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