
Monday 28 October 2019


This Atlantis Report shares how some African countries were forced to speak French. They were forced to give 85% of their reserves to a French Bank and France has first say on any new natural resources uncovered.

The video lists the African countries involved in forced colonisation by the French. The French also collect 440BN in taxes every year. It is clear to see why those African countries have been so polarised financially. I agree with the Atlantis Report, the looting of those African countries has to stop, it cannot be allowed to continue. Not only that but France should pay back what it has taken, it wasn't theirs to take.

Seriously, would you wish to partner with France on anything? Not I, glad I voted to leave the EU. I wouldn't wish to be friends with any person or country that loots another country or person. In fact, I would put sanctions on France until such time as they allow African countries their true independence. I'd kick France out of the UN, out of the Human Rights Council until such time as they learn to behave themselves. This is the 21st century! 

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