
Sunday 29 September 2019

Dire State of UK NHS

England's population has continued to grow at a faster rate than the rest of the UK the latest figures show. The fastest population growth is in London, and as we know our indigenous people are now a minority in our own capital city.

In 2018, the stats show that there have been more births than deaths and in the last year 612,000 people moved to the UK (immigration) and 385,000 left the UK (emigration). Of course that doesn't include the amount of people that the government doesn't know about!

When Theresa May was working in the Home Office border control knew that people were coming into the country and not leaving the country. People's whereabouts were not being tracked, so the Tories didn't know where those people had gone.

Boris Johnson has great plans to provide 40 new hospitals the Telegraph reports. However, the Royal College warns that there is a declining interest from junior doctors that are interested in specialising in Psychiatry.

Apparently, trainee doctors are being put off because medical school teachers are telling their students that the field is "not prestigious".  Seriously, is that why people choose to become doctors in the 21st century, for a prestigious career? What about compassion and miraculous cures?

What always amazes me is how they throw physical categories into mental health categories, I'm not surprised that junior doctors are not interested in working for big pharma, for that is what psychiatry is.

The last time that I was an advocate for a patient of a psychiatrist in England, he didn't believe me when I shared with him that Dr Peter Breggin had given his congressional testimony in America about the pharmaceutical drugs in 2010.

This is the evidence that I told the psychiatrist the truth, Dr Peter Breggin also wrote a book called, "Toxic Psychiatry".

This is one of the major health epidemics in the UK, so what is being done about the cocaine Boris?

The American owned celebrity rehab Priory Group/Acadia is selling its network of mental health facilities in the UK for 1BN. Whoever would've thought that was American owned, Acadia bought the business in January, 2016. This link says the Care Quality Commission has closed some of its facilities due to being inadequate.

It's not surprising the dire state of the NHS when American companies are in it for the money. The business report says potential buyers think the risk is too high with vulnerable people and the return on investment is too low.

Sounds like Boris is going to have to buy the facilities for a non-privatised NHS, we don't have to build new rehab facilities when facilities already exist, all we require is the best possible staff and the most up-to-date equipment. Take the foreign investors and financial men out of the NHS and give our NHS back to our people.

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