
Monday 30 September 2019


Dr Greger looks at the scientific studies and says that the 3,500 Calories per pound rule is "wrong".

It is hard to believe that the origin of that study originated in the 1950s and seven decades years later the doctors are still recommending it. Bear in mind that they didn't even discover Vit K and its importance until the 80s.

The philosophy is that the less you eat, the less your body requires to keep it healthy. Hence the 3,500 calorie count does not apply, although I thought that amount was for men and it was a 1,000 less for women. Although the same principle would apply once you attain your ideal weight for your height and bone structure.

It does explain why I never went on any calorie controlled diets during my life, they never felt right to me. Although my healthy menus and lifestyle ensured that I rarely went up in weight. Regular work-outs, lots of dancing, eating right, kept me fit.

I tended to keep my weight quite stable, kept a close eye on it, I had scales in the bathroom. Although ill health can impact upon your weight. How little and how much, the ageing process can also impact on your height, unless you reverse the rapid ageing decline.

As I used to say to my students, if I can do it, you can do it too!

It is possible to turn your life and the health of your body around if you stay on it intuitively. At my age I tend to eat when my body asks for food and I'm in between a 12-14 in size.

Some days I have one meal a day, sometimes I have less, sometimes I have more.  When I was a size 12- people kept saying I looked too thin, although size 12 is my normal size for my height and bone structure.

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