
Saturday 21 September 2019

Libra Super New Moon 28th September 2019

Donna Paige shares about the forthcoming new super moon in Libra and it is at 5 degrees of Libra. 

The numeric of five is all about the practical side of our lives and where we are going with our lives to ensure more balance and doing what you love and enjoy. Of course, Libra is also the sign that is most interested in relationships, harmony in friendships and with loved ones. So it can be a time for new relationships to begin, or if you have already met someone, or made a new friendship, your connection will take off quickly. 

Life is moving fast, and sometimes faster than people might think. I always like new moons as they bring a new uplifting energy to be enjoyed. 

The 28th of September is the "Day of Heartbreaker" in numerics, so it is certainly time to move on from any heartbreaks that you may have experienced in recent decades or even more recently. 

For love is all around you when you have your eyes upon it and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Sometimes you just have to go beyond where you have been before and rise above anything that tries to hold you back. 

So for instance, people in the UK and in America, have to go beyond the Liberal Democrats that are holding our countries back. Once you go beyond them you can provide practical measures and solutions that are more suitable for your lives and countries, we can't have people standing against democracy in any country on the planet. It is also a time of discovery for yours truly, so enjoy the new discoveries that are shared on this blog. 

It reminds me of the spiritual question "Is your cup half empty, or is your cup half full?" Maybe your cup is overflowing with an abundance of love and it is a great time to appreciate it and enjoy a new beginning associated with it. 

In my life, I am looking for a new used car to drive, one that will be suitable for my gardening and food growing interest, a car that is suitable for my artworks and driving through the countryside. So it would be a perfect day to find the car that is most suitable to share my life and loves. 

When I am in the driving seat it is a very big aspect of my life with its freedom to go where I please to enjoy the day. Beauty surrounds us when you go into countryside, meet some locals and have a laugh. It is a wonderful change of energy when you go out of your own space to meet up with others and it creates lovely memories to bring home with you. 

This new moon is in my 9th house and it relates to contacts overseas, so I will definitely be looking at travel plans and booking a holiday around this time. It calls for a visit to a location that is new to me, somewhere that I haven't been before. Education and teaching is prominent, expanding horizons. 

International and intellectual topics are also of interest to yours truly at this time with Libra in the 9th house, and the October full moon in Aries. No coincidence that Gerard Batten is an Aries, same as dad. So UKIP and the "Batten Brigade", are certainly in my life for now. 

The Queen Mother and Princess Alice were patrons of the Girl's Life Brigade, that I was once a member of in London when I was a child.  So there is definitely more than one Brigade! 

So anyone or anything coming into my life now has to be on the same wavelength for harmony to be maintained. It can be a philosophical time and it is written that my views on religion are treated with respect. The word "religion" doesn't even exist in biblical Hebrew. 

I'm halfway through a 12 year cycle, so anything that happened six years ago can be reviewed prior to moving forward. That's interesting because yesterday, someone emailed me talking about a rule that goes back to a location that I was in 2013. Did that rule serve me? No. Will it now? No. Do I have to respect the rules of others? No. 

Move on, I have to go beyond anyone that tries to impose any rules upon me and my realities, always remember there is always more than one place to go. 

I've met a few people born in Libra during my life both male and female and they took a long time to make up their minds, although once they came to a decision about their lives, then it was all action. 

Our Milo is a Libra, so I'm sure that this new moon will be great for him, I wish him all the best in the next phase of his life. 

So don't sit still, get moving with the new energy that is positive for you. 

This link mentions the fixed star Zaniah too. 

On the 29th of September it is Jewish New Year until the 1st of October.

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