
Thursday 19 September 2019


This morning when I woke up, I heard the word "DISCOVERY" whispered. Then when I opened the post there was my new driving licence. Freedom to get back on the road again, justice at last, joyful today.

Today, the 19th of September, was the "Day of Appearance". 

A time of discovery has begun. "Discovery is an act of finding something new, or something previously unrecognisable as meaningful". Last night I was looking at a particular health condition for three people that suffer with it, we've been looking at "scoliosis" and its causes. How important nutrition and caring fully for children's posture and balance is.

Some scientists found that children with the condition had too much copper and zinc in their bodies.

Too much copper and zinc makes me think of metal toxicity, and in teenage years some children start to receive metal fillings much earlier than they would if their teeth had been looked after when they were younger.

My son wasn't allowed any sticky sweets prior the age of four, he was only allowed chocolate. Sticky sweets and their contents can also make children hyper. The sugar in them impacts adversely upon their nutrition in their bodies and their bodies production of vital nutrients that their body requires for healthy growth.

My son still had some of his baby teeth at age eleven, the dentist had to remove them so that his other teeth could come through.

In 2018, scientists found that manganese that is essential for bone growth and development was an issue for some people with a specific gene which meant that their bodies have an inability to properly use the essential mineral. More research is on-going.

In March 2016, the LORD spoke of MANGANESE and COLLAGEN. So I tailored my menus around that and my goodness what a positive change my body has experienced since we began that journey three years ago. With every minor change you make with your nutrition that improves your health, even in a minor way; you become even more positive that even more positive change is possible, improvements are possible, no matter what age you are.

A small change or inclusion into your menus can make a huge difference to the health of your body and seeds metabolise the fastest.

In the few cases that I have looked at in the last 24 hours of "scoliosis"  "childhood neglect" has been involved in those cases.

So what can be done to help those people? Specific nutrition tailored to their bodily requirements and specific stretching exercises can certainly help people with the condition.

A health plan can be embraced that includes intensive healing of the "inner child" to remove the adverse memories from the cells, always remember that the tissues in your body hold memories and so does the water in your body!  To liberate the love so that the dynamic healing system of the body can work to its fullest optimum, people have to engage in the healing process on all levels. I also recommend pilates, and inversion therapy.

I have an inversion table and it is wonderful for stretching the body. So much so, that my height has increased whereas three years earlier it had decreased. Everyone said "You're shrinking because of your age", well, I have reversed it! The combination of changing my nutrition tailored to my health requirements, and the therapeutic massage therapy has also helped tremendously.

I have regular therapeutic massage therapy, for my muscles and back, and sometimes I have some Reiki and Reflexology, it is important to remember that the feet impact upon the back and the back impact upon the feet. After bathing I put healing oils on the soles of my feet, and it works a treat.

I like ANISEED very much, and aniseed is one of the healing oils used in Tibetan medicine. It was also divinely given while I was emailing a former colleague, who is trained in Aromatherapy. So I passed the message on.

Posture training of the body is also essential, so I recommend Alexander Technique to help people with their posture. When I first began having back and nerve issues, AT kept me mobile. In 2002 and in the following years, I was carrying my massage couch and heavy boxes around due to the training that I was doing.

Carrying heavy weights had an adverse impact upon my back, although I felt something go while I was in the gym doing some leg lifting exercises with straps on my weak ankles. Hence, I don't do yoga or go to the gym anymore. Although I had gone to the gym on and off since my 20s and have danced regularly for most of my life.

AT realigns the back, and teaches your body improved posture, including how to sit down and stand up without pressurising your back.

From a baby dad would do gymnastics with me on the beach, (I think his army training definitely helped him) he would also put a book on my head and ask me to walk back and forth to help me with posture and balance.

He would say, "shoulders back, back straight, head up", and sometimes he would put a wooden pole between my arms to keep my shoulders back.  We used to swim a lot too and spend as much time in nature as possible. It is important to note that there are higher numbers of girls with "scoliosis" than boys and that can be explained by the fact that the structure of boys is usually built stronger than girls. Boys are meant to be masculine and girls are meant to be feminine, that is why our physical frames are different to each other.

Hence, girls that carried books that were too heavy for their shoulders at a tender age during the growth spurts, were found with "scoliosis". Adults that were forced to carry weights that were too heavy for them when they were children, were also prone to the health condition. Young children are not workhorses, their bodies are tender and fragile until they grow stronger as they grow physically.

During a Reiki session I found that a woman my age had carried too many burdens during her life and it was on one side of her body. It was for her to come to the realisation of what those burdens were so that she could engage with the healing of it. The message had been delivered.

The Son of Joseph was a great dad and he was really into nutrition, due to him becoming paralysed for six weeks after I was born. He discovered the power of nutrition due to a friend of his that managed to get him back on his feet again with raw food that included seeds, nuts and dried fruit.

He was incredibly healthy after that for most of his life, with a very straight back. He loved the sunshine and spent has much time in the sunshine as possible, both in England and abroad. He knew how important Vit D was for his family and we were given plenty of manganese.

There was always bowls of fruit and nuts around the home to munch on. Dad did love his fruit and nuts and I made sure that my son had plenty of fruit and nuts too. This week I've made an almond cake and my mother used to make almond cookies for me when I was little, she knew what I liked, and almond was my favourite nut. Although I do like ground hazelnut very much too.

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