
Monday 9 September 2019


More on the full moon in Pisces, this time from Donna Paige.

"Full moon in Pisces- Every year on the Pisces Full moon the universe sends us a window of time to connect with grace, compassion, service, and acceptance. This year the message is even stronger as Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces is with the Moon and opposite the Sun". 

During her video she mentions that some people are venting, or are you working on solutions?

I will say that it is often the case that people would just like to vent, and offload on to you, so that they can feel better about themselves and their lives. Then you are left with their "energetic debris" to clear up afterwards.

There is certainly a lot of "energetic emotional debris" around at this time. Although you have a choice on how much you will allow your love to be taken for granted, while others refuse to work on the solutions that you have offered them. Straight talking is always the best way forward, then people know exactly where they stand with you.

It is important to have objectives and to explain the objectives to people. So for instance if I take a health case on I explain the importance of commitment from both people in the working relationship and the amount of intensity that is involved when I work on a case, especially when it is a serious health case.

If a person refuses to work on the healing solutions then it is best to just let them get on with it, and don't allow others to drain your healthy energy. There comes a point when you have to put your own health first and not allow others to be detrimental to you and your energy.

Why should you be put under extra pressure when it is a situation that is not of your making and all you were doing was responding to their call for help? Ponder upon it.

My Neptune is in Libra, hence balance, fairness, justice and harmony is incredibly important in friendships, relationships and the work environment. Giving generously is one of the traits of Neptune in Libra women, although we always try to make sure that any connection that we are involved in has to pull its own weight, that's equality and working together, that's teamwork.

That is the commitment that we make to each other when you work with yours truly. Jesus also asked for the very same commitment from his Apostles and working with him to help others can be very intense indeed. The intensive healing work that co-creates miracles and miracle workers requires trustful loyalty to the work in hand and the person that you have asked for help.

There is a limit to how much you can carry a person, and I do remember a work situation like that in the 90s. Looking back in hindsight, I can see why I walked away from a particular business and the country where I was born.

Although I did return to my own country after I had taken a year out. It was the very best for rejuvenating my physical health after years of working under pressure. The sense of freedom that it brought was also miraculous. When I returned, friends said I looked ten years younger.

There always comes a time to say, enough is enough, I remember saying, "I can't do this anymore" and that is when the breakthrough came and you change your life for its betterment. Improvements can always be made when an adult is ready for them.

There is always a healthier reality, people just have to choose it. That in itself can be a solution to that which ails thee. Dr Berg uploaded an interesting video over the weekend on how "nutritional deficiencies are just as harmful as radiation is to the DNA."

Those that read this blog on a regular basis know that nutrition is a major aspect of my life's work now and has been for some years. I think it began in 2012 in earnest when a serious health case was brought to my door and what the woman was eating was co-creating her intestinal health situation.  That is also when I began painting, compelled and instructed to do so.

Although it was in the 90s that I began reading about healing foods and the power of food to heal.

Some men can find Neptune in Libra women intimidating, the sheer independence to thrive and prosper on our own. It often brings up their issues with the authority of the mother, especially if they had strong mums.

Although be warned it can also attract those that would like to take advantage of your strengths without putting the same effort and resources in and that can have a detrimental impact on a relationship, friendship or business partnership being a success. There has to be a balance and integrity in life, especially for people with Neptune in Libra. It can also impact upon your child/or children and how they view you.

"Love without integrity is like an ocean without fish".

My moon sign is in Gemini, hence my communications do tend to be professionally direct, emotive and passionate. With an Aquarius sun sign, the communications can also be very blunt and on point and that can trigger people that are not used to straight talking. I was ideally suited to my former career in the creative communications industry. It has also been advantageous to my work with Spirit, carefully chosen and my life directed for what I had come to become and do on my spiritual journey.

My advice, try not to be emotional about life circumstances, yours and the circumstance of others, stand your ground, and go beyond by becoming a master of your self. It does require discipline and self-control.  My sun sign in Aquarius is also at 29 degrees so my life was always going to have some sort of pressure upon its grace.

Although I quickly embraced at a very young age how to thrive and prosper in a high pressure environment. I also had coping mechanisms that included therapeutic creative cooking, going to the gym, swimming and dancing. Spas and spending time at the beach or in nature. Regular holidays were incredibly important to relieve the tension and pressure too. As a child I would sit for hours sewing, doing crochet, working at a stables with horses, and walking in nature.

These days I have a lot more time to enjoy new aspects of my life that includes gardening and growing food, plus painting when I feel compelled to spread the paint. High pressure can be managed if you also have your methodology for healing and relaxation.

I hope that you are enjoying your spiritual journey, as much as I have enjoyed mine this lifetime.  This forthcoming full moon in Pisces will definitely highlight some of the aspects mentioned in this blog post due to Pisces being such an emotional star sign. Pisces can be far too emotional for yours truly, and if people are over emotional I tend to detach from the entanglement and just walk away.

Some people view that as the Aquarian being aloof or lofty and detached, although it is more about self-preservation and being on a different wavelength and frequency. Linda Goodman once wrote that you can only meet with an Aquarian in the future, in your tomorrows. As people tend to take time to catch up with where an Aquarian is coming from. Linda also wrote that it is the most "misunderstood" sign of the zodiac.

In my experience Pisces people can be very clingy, and very emotionally needy, until they decide that their needs are better met elsewhere. Although they soon find out that the grass isn't greener anywhere else.  Eventually, they have to do their soul searching and seek within to take responsibility for their emotional reactions to life circumstances that they co-created.

That can happen at different ages dependent upon when they move into maturity as a person. Childhood can impact upon that too especially with late developers. Pisces can drink like a fish, so they can be high maintenance too.

I do think that the last twenty years of talking and writing about health related subjects on the internet has been very beneficial to many people. Just look at how much it has grown, as a businessman said to me a few weeks ago, complimentary medicine and therapies is now a whole industry of its own.

If you have Mercury in Pisces this is a great link.

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