
Monday 9 September 2019


This witness testimony is 1 hour and 11 minutes and it is given by Del Bigtree to ITNJ on the impact of Big Pharma.

"Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the vaccine risk awareness movement. His non-profit organisation, Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud and has already results in two winning lawsuits against the US government agencies; Health and Human Sciences and the National Institute of Health. 

Del Bigtree testified on June 23, 2019 before the ITNJ Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere". 

These are my notes from his presentation.

He mentions how the Polio vaccination hasn't achieved what they say it has, as there were many different factors in the eradication of polio. Bigtree is against forced vaccination for any age group and he explains his scientific reasons why. He gives a brilliant testimony, incredibly eloquent, a really great investigative journalist.

Del quotes a 2017 paper on DTP and how it is associated with a 5-fold higher mortality rate than being unvaccinated. DTP stands for Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis. The paper states that "All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphteria, tetanus or pertussis. Basically it decreases the immune system's ability to defend the body from other diseases. 14.08

In America, according to an HHS funded publication, 1 in 6 children has a developmental disability. 54% of children of have a chronic illness. 16.10

The U.S. has the highest first-day infant mortality rate out of the industrialised world. If that doesn't shock you, what will? Del says it is the greatest health decline in human history, children are devolving instead of evolving. Legally, vaccines are the only product whereby you cannot sue the manufacturer's and you have to sue the government agency. 21.27

He also mentions the Johnson & Johnson case when they were putting asbestos in babies talcum powder.

The pharmaceutical industry is the most powerful lobby in America, far more than the oil and gas lobby. Plus America have the most expensive drugs in the world. The biggest test group is Americans.

Del says it is difficult to track the money that is going into the pharmaceutical industry although there are some investigations on-going. The agencies have been captured by the industry that the people are meant to be protected from.

The FDA is being run by people from Monsanto and all of the regulatory agencies are being run by former pharmaceutical industry employees. Dr Ben Carson was asked if he agreed with President Trump on vaccinations and he confirmed that he thought it should be a personal choice and not forced upon the public.
The Amish communities have no autism. Del also mentions a Somalian community in America and they stopped vaccinating them after a visit from a British doctor and the autism in the Somalian  community stopped. No official funding is being put into investigating the small groups that are not being vaccinated.

Pediatrician's that are educated for eight years can't even tell parents what is in the vaccines when asked. Vaccines have become a religion for the medical profession he says, and there is nothing more important to the medical profession than vaccines. For vaccines to be perfect it would mean that the science is perfect when science cannot be perfect because science evolves as more and more new discoveries are made.

Towards the end of the testimony Del shares some scientific facts that were found when brains of people with alzheimer's and children with autism were compared by a doctor.

It is absolutely shocking that they're vaccinating new borns, one-day old babies in America, that has to correlate to the high mortality rates in the U.S. New borns being pierced and punctured for profit for the pharmaceutical corporations and medical profession. This is a major reason why I am against the American style healthcare system, not only that but the insurance men are in the middle of it all.

I was born in the 50s and had I German Measles when I was child, I survived. I caught chicken pots from my son when he was at nursery, I survived and so did he. My son wasn't allowed some of his vaccinations because of his dad's health. I'm so pleased about that he had so few vaccinations early in life, I can count them on one hand.  Although he still doesn't like going to the doctors or dentist.

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