
Tuesday 13 August 2019


Last week my new neighbour said, "You've got new shoes", I replied, "Yes", the three year old then said, "Well done" with a big smile on his little face. He notices everything, everything I wear, everything that I do, we did it all for love.

So this song is for the little one that loves to come and see me. The children love being in my healing garden, the musical instruments, the sound healing bowl and they come asking for hands on healing. Whatever they require they ask for it, sometimes the eldest asks if she can come and paint with me.

Children learn what they live, and they are the supreme joy of human life.

Teach the children young and they will always remember, as I remembered the healers and spiritual elders that my mother introduced to yours truly when I was a child. In those days the healers and spiritual elders in London were from the NFSH and SNU, they were church goers. Although it was my pre-destination to become a Reiki Master Teacher, otherwise known as an RM.

My mother certainly had a long term healing plan for her first born, her only daughter and she knew that a whole lot of love would be required to liberate the love.

The words "Well done" appear in the NT, Matthew 25:23, "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness". 

In the book of Luke the parable is presented and translated thus: "'Well done my good servant!' his master replied. 'Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities'. Luke 19:17.

Today's verse of the day is this: "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do". Ephesians 2:10 NIV

I've arranged for little Tommy to receive reflexology with his mum, with a wonderful Christian colleague, Judith is also an RM.  A former nurse, midwife, and health visitor that imparts the love of healing to the children too. One step at a time with the healing process of the children, for children love to love and to receive the power of love.

Some children have experienced a traumatic birth process, and that in itself can impact upon their self-esteem. Hence the power of healing is so important to those children.

In my experience everyone requires healing for something and sometimes it can be past lives that are having an unconscious impact on the decisions and life choices that people make in this life. The earlier that we introduce healing to the children the better their life choices become. Their souls sing, and their hearts rejoice, divine love is the food that feeds the soul. When a child takes delight in you, you know that they are delighted with the improvements that have been brought into their lives. They witness the changes that adults make, and how they make those changes that impact upon their lives.

If there is one thing that the research outcomes at Sure Start provided, it is that when the lives of their parents change for the better that in itself has a positive impact on the children. It is usually the case that to improve the lives of the children, you have to show the parents how it is possible for them to change their lives. It is not enough to just work with the children, you have to help the parents that impact upon the children and their hearts and souls.

My heart sings when individuals, and people make huge healing breakthroughs, so well done to all of you that have put the effort in to do so.

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