
Monday 12 August 2019

The Promise 1995

One of the most beautiful songs from 1995. Tracy Chapman, New Beginning, The Promise. 

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness" 2 Peter 3:9

In scripture we find a prophecy that mentions a promise and ten steps. It is in the book of Kings chapter 2 Kings 20:9 and the book of Isaiah chapter 38, the story is about health and extending life.

Some people have given their view of the story based upon the analogy that it is easier to go forwards than it is to go backwards. Although who looks at it through the eyes of a healer?

Steps are also mentioned in the story and a person can both walk up and down steps to get to their destination. Being able to walk up and down steps is also related to physical health. When a person walks up large steps bending the knee it actually stretches the muscles.

The shadow on the stairway went down the ten steps in sunlight and that happens when you walk down stairs in sunlight. Clearly, the sunlight was also an important aspect of what was happening health wise.

You don't see people walking down steps backwards do you? This week Dr Berg (USA) said that you couldn't reverse shrinkage in the body. I had to disagree with him. As the other week I was measured and I am nearly two inches taller than the time before when I was measured by the doctor.

With the combination of lots of sunshine, nutrition, regular body massages, stretching exercises and the use of my inversion table, my body has lengthened and in so doing the health situation to do with shrinkage was reversed. My chiropractor was really happy when I told him about it, and so was my podiatrist. I also found that inversion therapy stops sciatica and stretches the limbs.

Also from the teachings of Isaiah we know that he was involved in healing and self-development and it is clear to me that Isaiah was talking about the reversal of a health condition due to it mentioning Yahweh extending the life by 15 years.

Walking up and down stairs also signifies physical exercise, I have a step up to get on my inversion table. So what does this have to do with the promise and 1995, it was in the mid 90s that I first came across inversion therapy whilst touring on the circuit.

The Steps of Ahaz, the verb Ahaz relates to being held. It can mean "He has grasped". To seize, grasp, take hold of or be mechanically attached to something. So did the steps have a hand rail, because clearly the man had to go down some specific steps. In healing we speak of the different steps a person has to take to improve their health, one step at a time.

Isaiah also spoke of figs being important to the health situation and dried fruit is very important for fibre, I don't eat figs, although I do eat different types of dried fruit, it includes cranberries, sultanas, apricots etc. In fact, it was the golden sultana's soaked in gin that stopped the pain in my hands and strengthened them. A colleague puts prunes in gin for her hands and that works for her too, red plums are also great for eyesight.

In biblical times dried fruit was used for medication.

So what is important about figs? They have high amounts of manganese, B6 and Vit K.

It looks to me that King Hezekiah was given the solutions for what ailed him and he had to be humbled into prayer.

As the LORD said, "To HE that understands the promise, there is no secret".

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