
Monday 19 August 2019


Tangerine Dream, Love On A Real Train

When people see me wearing my love hat they smile, they love to see the love on my head. Do you remember how the Liberal Democrats tried to stop Donald John Trump and those that he appointed to do a job for him? That has happened again, this time in the UK, with the UKIP NEC trying to stop the appointments of the new UKIP leader, Richard Braine. I'm sure that people remember that our patriots in the UK supported the American President and we even had a guy dressing up as Trump at the rallies.

Some of you may remember that prior to Trump being elected I was shown a train that was approaching a sign and the train had no choice but to turn right and follow the directions on the signpost. The train was coming towards me was going really fast and nothing could stop that train.

The most recent dream that I had was of two people from UKIP, the new UKIP leader and the woman that he had chosen to become the Chairman. So I am not surprised at what has transpired over the weekend with the NEC. While I was phoning 111, and going to the walk-in centre and A&E, a completely different reality was taking place in UKIP politics.

Sometimes it is amazing to see what lengths people will go too to try to stop new appointments and new arrangements. Interesting that the recent UKIP dream was about positioning and what was positioned where in nature and the environment of the countryside.

Also interesting that the recent full moon on the 15th was in Aquarius, and our keyword is freedom, people that are on the Braine train stand for freedom of speech and defend it.

The way to unite the party is to get on the Braine train, do not refrain, support Richard and his choices, for this love is real. The patriots and the love that dare not speak its name. Liberate the love my people, liberate the love. For who else will stand up and defend our people and historical culture, if not you?

Love on the Braine train, do not refrain my people in the steeple. The Braine train is fast, strong and built to last, whatever your cast.

His hair is white as snow just like Melchizedek, he knows how to throw and crow. So get on your feet and tap those toes, let him take you for a ride on the braine train where the patriots sing.

We are kin, and we have a leader that has the name of a great king.

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