
Wednesday 21 August 2019


This morning I received another garden dream and in it there were people of different ages in my garden, they were like a family of people and they weren't from my area.

The parking space had been changed by them and they had put in a raised bed and there were loads of food growing plants in the back of the parking spaces against the wall. I asked "What are you doing?".

Then they had also taken some space on the right of me and they had removed the hedge to put in more growing space. Then I saw that they were removing my beans that I had grown to put in the food growing space that they had co-created. I told those people that they couldn't have my beans and to leave them alone and to put it back, I was then stringing up my beans again.

After that I saw that my son had removed half of the plants on the right side of my garden, he'd cleared the space and I asked why he had done that, he didn't answer. Then I saw that he had put a stainless steel bin outside and I washed it and brought it back inside.

After that I had a different dream of a lady that I know and we were in my kitchen. The kitchen was a different colour, it was sunshine yellow and the sunshine was streaming through the window. I noticed some tiny little new born puppies on the floor and I asked Anne if they were hers.

She replied that they were. After that I asked her what breed they were and how much she paid for them. They looked like new born red poodles, although a couple of them was very fluffy and hairy like cats, but they were definitely dogs.

The woman replied that she didn't know what breed they were and that she had bought the dogs for £4.99 each. I was just about to ask her if I could have one of the puppies and then I was woken by children knocking on my door. Clearly, I have puppies on the brain and as scripture states the dog licked it!


Sunshine streaming through the window indicates success in all of your endeavours and anything that concerns you. The colour of the kitchen is also a creative fire colour, creative cooking in the kitchen does appear to indicate creative success with the nutrition for health reasons. The food that I cook, some of it also comes from my garden, and gardening is a very healthy hobby to engage in.

The puppies also remind yours truly of the puppy philosophy that I wrote about nearly two decades ago. There were four puppies and the price was  £4.99. Four is the numeric of the metaphysical dimension, although the cost was nearly £5 and that is the numeric of the fifth dimension of unconditional love. In dream interpretation, dogs are symbolic of friendships and unconditional love.

So let us return to the garden dream that was prior to the dog dream. A garden in bloom indicates spiritual satisfaction, financial security and domestic love. Love in the environment in which you live, gardening offering spiritual satisfaction and can lead to financial security naturally.

To dream of a family can indicate an upswing in your interests and people's interests in you.

My garden was so lovely, that others wished to get involved in it and create their food growing garden in our space. To dream of string beans indicates that social times are ahead, and if cooking or serving beans forecasts a change in living conditions.

If you dream of stainless steel and it is used constructively, steel seen in a dream is a symbol of enduring love and or friendship. If you handled it you can anticipate a resounding success. Interesting that it was a steel bin, because there is a major campaign happening in London on the 24th of August, called "Bin the BBC" and it is being organised by Tommy Robinson supporters.

Stainless steel can also be symbolic of the word of God, because steel is stronger than iron.

To dream of being robbed in the garden, as I was being robbed in the dream, is a dream of contrary and it signifies unexpected gains. The more that was being taken the larger the gain.

In biblical symbology hedges are symbolic of protection, so the removal of a hedge can indicate a removal of protection. Although food growing was put into where the hedge was.  This particular hedge in this dream on my right doesn't provide any food as such, so it was being replaced with a growing food hedge. A different hedge of food was being put in and that is about food security.

The dream also indicated that more people are getting interested in growing their own food for food security. People from our country were also willing to travel to find a food growing space. Concrete was also being covered with food growing plants and that resonates as the more plants there are the more sustainable it is for the environment, and the oxygen there is for people to breathe in, especially when there are some small trees that grow food.

In real life the garden that I have created in the last three years has been an inspiration for others, and one neighbour said that it looked like a garden of eden. I've enjoyed it very much these last three years, it has been wonderful.

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